Monday, April 12, 2010

Can I get into trouble for uploading songs onto my Xanga site?

My dad told me that you can get into serious trouble for uploading songs onto sites like Limewire, %26amp; so I'm a bit nervous about putting songs on my Xanga site. They are all songs that I bought from Itunes or ripped from cds, so I do own them, but I'm not sure what the legality is for sharing them on a site like Xanga.

There are a lot of songs I'd love to share, so I'd be super grateful for some feedback!

Thanks!!! : )

Can I get into trouble for uploading songs onto my Xanga site?
This is the risk you must take when dealing with illegal thing. Nobody knows whether you will be caught because of this or not. Never get caught doesn't mean it's safe. It's up to you to decide
Reply:nah, go ahead!
Reply:File swapping in Peer To Peer applications is illegal and there was the entire court actions against Napster for this same event. Without permission (which you will not get) from the band (copyrights owners) you can be arrested and fines and compensatory damages may be sought by the band and others....



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States No Electronic Theft Act (NET Act), a federal law passed in 1997, provides for criminal prosecution of individuals who engage in copyright infringement, even when there is no monetary profit or commercial benefit from the infringement. Maximum penalties can be five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. The NET Act also raised statutory damages by 50%.

Prior to the enactment of the NET Act in 1997, copyright infringement for a noncommercial purpose was apparently not punishable by criminal prosecution, although noncommercial infringers could be sued in a civil action by the copyright holder to recover damages. At that time, criminal prosecutions under the copyright act were possible only when the infringer derived a commercial benefit from his or her actions. This state of affairs was underscored by the unsuccessful 1994 prosecution of David LaMacchia, then a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for allegedly facilitating massive copyright infringement as a hobby, without any commercial motive. The court's dismissal of United States vs. LaMacchia suggested that then-existing criminal law simply did not apply to noncommercial infringements (a state of affairs which became known as the "LaMacchia Loophole"). The court suggested that Congress could act to make some noncommercial infringements a crime, and Congress acted on that suggestion in the NET Act.

The NET Act amends the definition of "commercial advantage or private financial gain" to include the exchange of copies of copyrighted works even if no money changes hands and specifies penalties of up to five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. It also creates a threshold for criminal liability even where the infringer neither obtained nor expected to obtain anything of value for the infringement.

The act raised the levels of statutory damages in civil cases to $750 - $30,000 per work (and up to $150,000 per work in case of willful infringement).

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