Friday, April 16, 2010

How can I make the french be seen in my xanga???????

bonjour! Hello brothers.

I am a chinese and I live in Hong Kong.

I used to type Chinese or English in my xanga.

Recently, I started typing French in my xanga.

However, some french word can't apear correctly,,,

How can I make them appear correctly?

Here is the link:

How can I make the french be seen in my xanga???????
First of all...your French isn't very good. What do you mean it can't be seen? You have to highlight anything to read it....the font's the wrong colour. You have accents like 'é' so what's the problem?

Reply:I can see the French in your xanga -- it just needs a change of background or font color.

Your main headline has a couple of errors. Correct French would be:

"Il vaut mieux donner que recevoir"

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