Friday, April 16, 2010

Where can u go on xanga to download FREE songs to put on your mp3?

i really have to download some free songs onto my mp3 but i don't know where u can download them on xanga. please help me. this is really urgent. i am gonna go on vacation soon and i really need to have some songs to listen to while i'm traveling there.

Where can u go on xanga to download FREE songs to put on your mp3?
Try these links below-

You could also make REQUEST to DOWNLOAD UNLIMITED number of SONGS absolutely FREE by joining a community music forum. To check out the ‘hottest’ music forum out there right now, please click on the link below –

I need help w/ my Xanga!!!?

well...i just got a xanga....and i NEED 2 kno how 2 make it private. cause i only want my friends 2 c and not any1 how do i do it?

I need help w/ my Xanga!!!?
don't know sorry


How to back up Old Xanga webpages?

I have two old Xanga websites that have alot of iinformation i'd like to store. As i get older i do not want these webpages ON the actual internet but i would like to havea copy on my computer that i could somehow republish to look at.

i've downloaded a couple of programs but they seem to be php files

i do not know how to use such programs/files

is there a simpler way to back up my old xangas?

(without paying for premium) or even how to use these php files?

thanks =)

How to back up Old Xanga webpages?
First, look for your website at

If you see your website there, you already have a backup.

But maybe you want to PRINT THESE for your scrapbook.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

How do I Remove my Xanga Search Bar?

I made my Xanga into a domain

How do I remove the search bar?

How do I Remove my Xanga Search Bar?
Go to

"Control Panel"

and "add/Delete programs"

and find it on the list. :]
Reply:On ur pc go to add/ remove programs!!!

Does anyone know any celebrity xanga acounts?

myspace or xanga

Does anyone know any celebrity xanga acounts?

duno any xangas nobody has a xanga
Reply:There are tons of celebs with accounts on both services, but most of them are really maintained by their publicists and PR people. They use these sites for promotion purposes. There is little chance of incountering or interacting with a "real" celeb on these sites.

Some may have accounts but they will be hidden behind fake names, and other tricks. And they would only use them to venture into cyberspace undetected.
Reply:Michael Ian Black, Jim Gaffigan and Jay Mohr all maintain their own sites on myspace, however Gaffigan's and Mohr's are primarily just links to their personal websites. Kevin Smith has several Myspace accounts that he maintains himself. I've spoken with him on the phone and was assured he himself maintains them. I'm sure there are others as well.
Reply:yea many have myspaces

but i know

pete wentz has a live journal

so does a few of the panic at the disco guys
Reply:most celebs use myspace..

Why does no one use xanga my age anymore?

i use myspace more, but i miss xanga, and i still use it, but no one reads it anymore and none of my friends use it anymore

Why does no one use xanga my age anymore?
i have no idea. it sucks coz like i invested so much on my page and everything and then little by little all my friends moved to myspace. i think myspace is taking over the world
Reply:cause myspace is soo better.. for us at least... we're in 7th grade... 13-14 (13 myself) years old... i had a xange buit it was to complicated for me lol..
Reply:I used to use Xanga...Than I got sick of it.
Reply:i have both but i like xanga better, its private and none of my friends now i have it. i like it that way.
Reply:because myspace is drowning in all those people youre age that used xanga

local dentist

Do aly&aj have an xanga??

do aly%26amp;aj have an xanga??

Do aly%26amp;aj have an xanga??
I do not have xanga. but I know they have a music myspace though.
Reply:No :( could i have it?
Reply:Probably, but it would be a role-player who put it up!
Reply:Out of sheer curiousity, I checked and it appears they do.
Reply:not if its anything bad they rock this world!
Reply:Say What?

I need a website for xanga buttons?

I have a xanga, I hadn't used it in a while, but I want one of those buttons that you can push with your mouse repeatedly and each time it pops-up with different text boxes each time. There's a website speccifacly I wanted... its main part only has 3 letters in it. But it's ok if it's not that one.

I need a website for xanga buttons?

I need help improving my xanga site...?

Does anyone know how to make scrolling letters at the top of the page? Is there an html code I can get anywhere for that?

You know, where you put in a header html code and whatever you typed out will move across the top of the page in repetition.

Please help! I want to make my xanga cooler.

I need help improving my xanga site...?

thats should give you everything you need options are on the left
Reply:%26lt;marquee%26gt;your text here%26lt;/marquee%26gt;


Other sites for music on Xanga?

what are some othe sites beside that you can get music for your xanga on

Other sites for music on Xanga? click on audio radio button and search for your favorite band and download the music to your comp. click on the audio tab and search for your favorite band and download the music to your comp click on audio radio button and search for your favorite band and download the music to your comp. is a large site with many bands on it.

search google exactly like this. use the quote marks. these search terms will find music in people's unprotected subdirectories in their homepage accounts :)

"parent directory" (mp3|wav|wma) "nameofyourbandgoeshere"


below you can get literally thousands of different cds and dvds and not pay for them. :)

Many libraries world wide have books related to the internet, web and computers in general. They also have CDs and DVDs. Go to your local public library and get the username and password for You can look up the book yourself but they will have to order it for you. Sometimes this can take awhile if the book is checked out by someone else. After reading the books and making copies of certain pages with a photo copier simply return it to them.

By using firstsearch you can search for any book in the world. Some libraries might charge a small fee but most are free. Every web design book I have read was acquired in this fashion. :)
Reply:Well where I used to get my music from when I put music on my xanga, And it's...

Hope that has the kind of music that you like, or any kind of music at all. haha. well have fun.
Reply:I used to get mine from but i think she closed it. I'm not a 100% sure on that.


Corinne Bailey Rae layout for Xanga users?

I found one for Myspace, but the code doesn't work for Xanga users, any help here?

Corinne Bailey Rae layout for Xanga users?
I think I know what you mean is this right:

You want some Xanga layouts

How Do you Apply Custom Xanga Lyouts?

i used to have Xanga and i want it again i used to know everything about it but they have changed it. can soomeone help please

How Do you Apply Custom Xanga Lyouts?
Try to check the Xanga help section.

How come everyone is all about myspace when is a lot easier than myspace anyway?

Is it just 'cause no one's even heard of xanga? 'Cause I heard about xanga WAY before myspace.

How come everyone is all about myspace when is a lot easier than myspace anyway?
It is namely because MySpace is associated Microsoft, cause they own everything basically. Also, its associated with MSN messenger and a large number of users choose MSN as thier preferred IM client. As soon as it was associated with MSN, i'm sure a large number of users found it easier to post their pictures and files on MySpace and share it with their friends than on Xanga.
Reply:mySpace just got bought by News Corp, who owns Fox News. I don't think mySpace is associated with Microsoft.

Also, mySpace is working on its own IM client, not associated with MSN Messenger. Report It

Reply:the same things that make MySpace harder to use, also allow you to be more creative with it. using the thomas myspace editor, you can really show your own personality with more than jut your words. Oh, and you can listen to songs for free.
Reply:u need to get out before i find where u live and we can fit

Are there any sites like xanga that offer quotes??

i was just wondering because xanga isn't working for me right now. and i wanted some quotes.

thanks. =]

Are there any sites like xanga that offer quotes??
I would recommend


What does MySpace Provide that Xanga doesn't?

Why does EVERYBODY like MySpace? What's tha big DEAL? Xanga is JUST as good as it. I actually think it's better. People get so offended when I say MySpace sux or somethin. I just don't get why people like MySpace so much. They hype it up to the point where they dang near worship it ot something. (Ok, well not that much, but still)

What does MySpace Provide that Xanga doesn't?
Myspace has more things on it than xanga. Xanga is like a journal. On myspace you can write blogs and people can comment on them just like xanga. You can put pictures on myspace and people can comment them. Your friends can comment your page about whatever. You can also write blogs for all your friends to see about whatever you want. Myspace is good to get know people and meet new friends in your area. So basically it's better because it has more features.
Reply:try Tagworld.
Reply:I've never tried Xanga.
Reply:it is more universal xange is second to myspace its like whn other messengers try to beat out aim it just wont work
Reply:My Space has become the entertainment industry's new best friend. I'm not sure about Xanga but My Space has become a publicity giant for musicians giving them a way to reach more people than they ever thought possible. The movie industry now promotes movies on there as well. The newest thing on there now is for comedian's.

A lot of celeb's have pages on there to keep in contact with their fans and to promote their new projects.

Don't employers look at xanga or myspace now?

don't you think Xanga that it's a bit too umm..public? it's an online diary that should be private. Can't they hold you accountable for that in the future? i heard employers look at that now.

Don't employers look at xanga or myspace now?
yes they do look at that now so they know what kind of people they are hiring.
Reply:well if your tryign to find a job and convince your prospective employer you ra mature responsible person I dont think you should post your beer pong championships or your drunken escapadesand that resulted in a nipple piercing.. but hey that's just me....
Reply:Wow, that's incredibly intrusive. I guess people have become so compliant that they will relinquish their right to privacy for some grim employment opportunity where your respected no more than a common slave. How unfortunate. I can't imagine why you would even give them that information in the first place.
Reply:Yes they do. It is part of a background check that many companies use now. Thanks and have a great day my friend!!
Reply:Yes, actually anything online isn't private. Not one thing. Not a single thing.

How do you insert an xanga layout?

i want to know;;i just made a new xanga and im not sure how to appropriately "decote" how do you put in those icons and layouts and all that cute stuff??

How do you insert an xanga layout?
If you come across a Xanga layout that you really want to use, there will be a code for you to copy. When you copy the code, go to the "look and feel" section of your Xanga and paste the code in the HTML Header section. Most layout makers have a preference of where the code goes, so be on the lookout for that.

If you want to make your own, there are lots of tutorial websites listed. You just gotta search a little bit at Google, Yahoo!, etc.

Hope that helps ya out!

Is there any code for xanga where I can block someones IP address?

Is there any code for xanga where I can block someones IP address and which part (header, Website stats) do I put it in?

Is there any code for xanga where I can block someones IP address?
I don't know much about Xanga.. But here's a simple way you can block someone's IP address.. Copy the following code and paste in between the HEAD tag....

%26lt;script type="text/javascript"%26gt;

//Enter banned ips, each separated with a comma:

var bannedips=["IP1", "IP2", "IP3"]

var ip = '%26lt;!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR"--%26gt;'

var handleips=bannedips.join("|")

handleips=new RegExp(handleips, "i")

if (!=-1){

alert("Your IP has been banned from this site. Redirecting...")





Replace IP1, IP2, IP3 with the list of IP address that you wish to block...

If the banned IP happens to visit your site, he will be re-directed to another page.. I have specified in the code above.... You can change the URL to something else.
Reply:type cssiscool %26amp; google ask him he could help you
Reply:i don't think so


Help with badge code for Xanga?

When I post the Yahoo! html badge code into my Xanga's custom module, or directly into my blog, it comes out in the simplified form, even when I copy/paste the complex version. Why is it doing this? Is there something I have to modify before it will display the complex version? If so, how do I fix it?

Help with badge code for Xanga?
Your browser may not support the complex badge's programming. The simple one is only HTML. You can check and see if your script is turned off by going to your toolbar and selecting "Tools". Look for "internet options". Go to the advanced tab and look for []Disable script debugging. Make sure this box is CHECKED. If you can see the complex browser in Y! Answers, then it's Xanga that doesn't support it, but I wouldn't know. IF something doesn't support the badge, it automatically reverts back to the simple version. Try getting the Mozilla Firefox Browser. It's better than internet explorer anyway.

Can you help me with customizing my xanga?

I've been a member for about 3 years. I know how to use premade layouts and stuff.


I want my xanga to look like this:

Except, with my pictures/blogs/etc on it. I really like how thats set up but I've tried everything I could to make it look like that, and no luck.

Someone please help..?

Can you help me with customizing my xanga?
Xanga's a bit easier than Multiply.... i can help you with it! Hehehe! I've been doing other people's xanga for 1 year already.. heehee!! Hope you still have your account activated....

I've listed down my site also...

How to change a xanga layout into a myspace layout?

if u kno how, plz help change this layout from xanga to myspace...

How to change a xanga layout into a myspace layout?
It might be hard to change the layout to a MySpace layout because it is made of or includes html codes unlike MySpace which only needs CSS unless it is a widget code. Just try to request the author to make a myspace version of it.

How to custom my xanga layout???

i have a pic tat i really like alot, and i know where to host it

I would like to put it as my xanga background, but it just overides it. Tat the pic can't be seen at the top of the page as it's own but mine has the pic at the top with the texts on it.

I heard u have to custom it by using CCS or something.....I dun know=(

Is there any websites to help u with tat by adjusting the width %26amp; inserting the pic??

How to custom my xanga layout???
Haven't used xanga for a long time, it has been kind of going out of style.

You should checkout one of the newer networking sites that allow you to easily customize your layout, like Yuniti ( )

MySpace profiles ( ) can also be easily customized, but you'll have to find a 3rd party site to do it.


What are the best Xanga layout sites?

I'm looking for a site with lots of pressional layouts for my Xanga site. I can't really find any, and the ones I know of don't have many choices to pick from. Can someone help me?

What are the best Xanga layout sites?
Select Blogrings at the top of the homepage

In the search box, type "Layouts"

You will get hundreds of blogrings, click one and surf the sites, and you will be sure to find a perfect layout :)

Do You Have A Xanga?

i want to meet new ppl who have a xanga. so if u do plzz tell me ur anme so i can comment u and everything and i jus picked a catagory

Do You Have A Xanga?
yes, come have a look-see :
Reply:i have one, but sorry i don't feel like telling you

Plz will people on visit my layouts site?



I will make any layout 4 u of any character or person u want just follow my rules plz do cos i want more requests n stuff plz xx thanks much xx

Plz will people on visit my layouts site?
What is your question and how does it relate to Programming and Design?

Is your question

Will people on xanga .com visit your layouts site?

The answer is

People on xanga .com will visit your site if they want to but probably will not because there are design flaws with your layouts. For example the opaque background on your text areas obscure you background image; the text area is a tiny thin strip down the middle of my high-res display.
Reply:u shuld put a direct link!

Can u delete a Xanga account?

can u delete a Xanga account if so can u tell me how?

best answer 10 points please help

Can u delete a Xanga account?

The on the left side, shut down account.

you will be asked a 3 questions... just answer them...

and password one more time... and walla!


Were do i find xanga layouts?

where can i find xanga layouts and graphics?

Were do i find xanga layouts?
Reply:Google "xanga layouts and graphics."
Reply:i like to get mine from the layouts are really nice and you can also get layouts for other websites like myspace as well

What can I use xanga for?

I've heard about xanga before but it seemed to esoteric for me. I'm kind of interested about it, though. None of my friends have it. Should I create an account?

What can I use xanga for?
Well, it's a bit more into social networking than the larger blog sites, and more blog driven than social networking sites with blog features like myspace. But if you don't know a lot of people there, it's not going to give you anything you can't get on other blog sites.

What is another good profile site like xanga?...?

i tried using xanga and it's really confusingi don't know how to put a backround on and stuff! Is there another site that is like xanga that i can put layouts and and pictures and personalize it??

What is another good profile site like xanga?...?
myspace? its great, and probly the biggest one out there.

thats all i can think of right now but if i think of more i'll tell you ^-^

Do you have an xanga?

if so, what is it! lemme see!

mine is ...

gimme feed back and stuff!

Do you have an xanga?
My xanga is

Comment me and I'll comment back!
Reply:i have xanga

dental clinic

Pros and Cons of Xanga?

Pros and Cons of Xanga

Pros and Cons of Xanga?
Gawd I love Xanga.

Pros:: So much fun! You can have layouts, music (Just about any song, on MySpace you can only have certain songs that the artist puts up!), icons, comments, it has a built-in tracker called "Footsteps" and you can make it to where people have to be signed in to see it, and so you can see who reads it. (I did it that way because my friend's mom read it. I KNOW, RIGHT!!?)

Cons:: On the commenting, it's not like MySpace.. anyone can comment you. And you can't do picture comments.
Reply:ummm pros and cons wuts that mean?

Do you have a Xanga account? i don't think its that popular honestly?

i have one. 3 of my freinds have one. we never commetn on each others page. but do you have a xanga account??

Do you have a Xanga account? i don't think its that popular honestly?
yeah i do have one. its not dat popular anymore because now everyone goes to like myspace or facebook.
Reply:Xanga was huge before. Pre-MySpace and definitely pre-Facebook.
Reply:No. What's Xanga?
Reply:A few of my friends have it, that was how I heard about it but didn't make an account.
Reply:I used to years ago.
Reply:yeah, boiiiii.

i've had one for three years now :]

it used to be kind of popular.
Reply:I have one. RivenAria

How do you change Xanga/Myspace backgrounds on a Macintosh computer?

How do you change Xanga/Myspace backgrounds on a Macintosh computer?

Serious answers please.

How do you change Xanga/Myspace backgrounds on a Macintosh computer?
I don't know about Xanga, but you can change MySpace ones the same way as with a Windows. All you have to do is find a layout you like, copy the code, and paste it in your "About Me" section. Hope this is what you were asking! = ]

If I delete a Xanga post, will the people who get daily digest still receive an email?

So if I posted a Xanga entry at 9am this morning, and my subscribers who get a daily digest email, and then I delete the entry, will the subscribers still be able to view the entry on the email?

If I delete a Xanga post, will the people who get daily digest still receive an email?
because all American he is coward? because all American he is half silly? because all American it thinks that it is more intelligent?
Reply:Yes offcourse, the subscribers will be able to view the entry even when u deleted it. Because what ever the data that u r getting is a copy from the server. The main data will be in the server. So they can able to see it. Don't bother for it. Ok.

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Getting Rid Of A Xanga Theme?


I tried this new Xanga Theme, and I don't really like it. Is there any way that I can get rid of the theme, and go back to the regular weblog look?


Getting Rid Of A Xanga Theme?
1. go to ur xanga page

2. find a narrow table to the left of ur xanga page that has ur look and feel and setup wizard or something like that.

3. click on the setup wizard.

4. keep on clicking next until you get to the themes and how you want ur xanga to look and stuff.

5. change theme

6. go down and click save all changes.

i had a xanga but it got deleted so i dont remember much but i hope this helps.! %26lt;3

If yooh have an xanga?

please visit this site

subscribe %26amp; leave comments


If yooh have an xanga?
Reply:ahh no thanks i never go on it anymore
Reply:i do

How do you get music onto your xanga or myspace, and what are good websites to get music on?

I'm not sure how to get music on my xanga or myspace. Can anyone give me sites where I can get music or help on how to get it on my xanga/myspace?


How do you get music onto your xanga or myspace, and what are good websites to get music on?
I had a hard time with this too. When your on my space, search it for the band you want. If it's listed, click on the song you want and it should give you info to past onto your "about me" page. After you pasted it. Go out of profile and go to View profile to see if it worked. It took me and my girlfriend forever one night but we finally got it.

Anyone know anything about XanGa?

How Do you Work XanGa

Myspace Is way easier

Anyone know anything about XanGa?
I suggest zilching it altogether. Myspace is alright. I recommend Facebook. Much cleaner in formatting and easier to get around.
Reply:Xanga ( is a weblog hosting service as well as an online social networking service. One of the web's top 45 sites, Xanga allows users to create blogs, communicate with other members, send emails and post pictures. Members' sites can be customized.

Xanga started in 1998, but only went public at the end of 2000. By the end of 2005, the site was hosting more than 20 million blogs.
Reply:xanga is ugh

its complicated and boring

mysapce is better
Reply:you can try multiply, piczo, or friendster. they're totally better than myspace


Is this vanessa hudgens' xanga?

does anyone know if this is the real vanessa hudgens? thanks =) cause i'm her friend over it and none of my friends believe she's real sooo just check it out and tell me what u think. thnx! ~~corinne~~ PS i'm oxcheergirlxo

Is this vanessa hudgens' xanga?
I would really doubt it.

Reply:i dont have a xanga or a personal myspace but my lil sis stella has a myspace it is Report It

Reply:hmmm idk probably not :( sry but i dont think vanessa would talk like that abt herself "im so pretty!" ;) lol or anybody! but ya idk.... Report It

Reply:no cuz she has a bebo and shes real on that cuz she has a voice comment thing saing its her real bebo and she said she has no xanga Report It

Reply:sorry, but it is probley not really her lots of ppl make up fake web sites
Reply:I've seen many "celebrity" Xangas, but you gotta think: celebrities are very busy and I highly doubt they'd talk about themselves on such a public site, much have a blog for ALL to see!
Reply:you answered the question about chamillionaire and said orland bloom is hot. i TOTALLY agree! hehe : )

How can I make the french be seen in my xanga???????

bonjour! Hello brothers.

I am a chinese and I live in Hong Kong.

I used to type Chinese or English in my xanga.

Recently, I started typing French in my xanga.

However, some french word can't apear correctly,,,

How can I make them appear correctly?

Here is the link:

How can I make the french be seen in my xanga???????
First of all...your French isn't very good. What do you mean it can't be seen? You have to highlight anything to read it....the font's the wrong colour. You have accents like 'é' so what's the problem?

Reply:I can see the French in your xanga -- it just needs a change of background or font color.

Your main headline has a couple of errors. Correct French would be:

"Il vaut mieux donner que recevoir"

Anyone in here use Xanga?

I have a profile on Xanga and I cannot find anyone to talk to on there so if you got a profile on there hit me up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and read all of my entries...I cant guarantee that you will falll in live with them, but hey they are just about me and my everyday life!!!

Anyone in here use Xanga?
no profile there sorry.
Reply:If you're bored then you're boring... you must be such fun to be around, what with your awesome communication skills. Cursing, etc. to make your point. Wow, your parents must be so proud. Guess that's why they won't let you move out. Report It

Reply:y would u put that kind of crap on here people so ignant now and days

I'm new to xanga can anyone help me?

Hi ok so I've always wanted an xanga site and I finally decided to make one

Ok so how do I get started?

I want to make it really good

I look at other peoples and they have these gorgeous layouts and I can make them but I don't know the proper html to put it in and I want to make it all my own

Do I need to upgrade to premium to do that? I hope not

And I also need like an idea for it because none of my friends really do this site but I love it

Please help

and if you want to be my friend that'd be great too!

I'm new to xanga can anyone help me?
Xanga is archaic. Get a Facebook.

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Is there such a thing as a xanga tracker that works?

iono im scare man, cuzz i check this girl xanga often and like if that thing actually exist then it'll make me look bad. im not a stalker lol i just miss her alot. we were together. can they actually see my name and what time i check their xanga? thats pretty scary im so scare

Is there such a thing as a xanga tracker that works?
Reply:yes, i also have this, so i know it works.
Reply:Yes it is only for premium accounts though

I need help with xanga?

how do i delete mi xanga

I need help with xanga?
you can't, just take off everything and don't use it

Which is more Dangerous...Xanga or MySpace?

Hey.I go on xanga. But i think everything is dangerouse on the internet.Young people get hurt of in danger everyday! shouldnt parents know what their kids go on? I think so. We should prevent this! How?? Hmmmm

Which is more Dangerous...Xanga or MySpace?
Both are safe if you don't give your personal info to these people, I've had problems on Myspace because I wasn't so smart and put my personal details on my page and I've had alot of women stalk me saying they love me, it's scary.
Reply:I'm not sure which is more dangerous, but you should always monitor the sites your children go onto. Usually, there isn't information on there that will make your child personally identifiable so long as they use a screen name, but make sure to check regularly.
Reply:My son loves talking to his friends on-line. I let him but I monitor who he talks to and we try to keep an open lines of comunication with our children. I want my son or daughter to inform me if someone he doesn't know ever approched his on-line. It's very scary but there is acces to the internet everywhere so instead of pretending there is no threat we try to educate our kids on how important it is to never give out personal information over thenet and never meet up with anyone they meet on the net.

I really believe talking to our children and monitoring thier time on line can help a great deal. It will not eliminate the threat but it keeps everyone informed. offers good on-line safety tips, check it out.

O.kay now that I've blabed on for ever. LOL

Be safe!

The above answer is that of ignorance. Children do not looked to be harmed. When someone is skilled at what they do it is very easy for them to talk a child into giving personal information without the child realizing it. No child deserves to be harmed in any way!!!!!!!!
Reply:I would say myspace. Becuz' everybody seems to ask you out all the time.
Reply:well the people who die from these killers or whatever are ******* stupid and they should know not to give out personal information. so i think the poeple that die or get raped from these website deserve it cause they are stupid.
Reply:First off, I'm very impressed that you consider it dangerous - most girls your age don't think about it. I've never used Xanga so I can't compare the two, but so long as you don't give out any personal information either one should be reasonably safe. The problem is that a lot of kids assume that only their friends will read their page and give their full name, age, school, etc. along with a picture of themselves. Just remember that anyone can read your page, and don't post anything that you wouldn't want some creepy old man to read and you'll be fine. Also keep in mind that whatever you post on there is available not only to your friends but also to your parents and teachers if they chose to look for it.
Reply:i don't know anything about xanga, but let's just say that there's a reason i deleted my myspace lol. i haven't answered the phone in weeks and she still calls every day... from 2400 miles away...

also, it's the heart of teenage drama. anything said on myspace is not kept personal like a real conversation might be.

but i think the main problem with it is the slow and steady decay of human contact. out ability to communicate, to related, to view people as "real" slips away. how often do you laugh out loud reading an email vs. talking to someone face-to-face? i ramble. but i think i got most of the answer down...

and yes, guys definitely ask girls out a lot on myspace lol.

Im MaKiNg A nEw XaNgA WhAt ShOuLd It Be?

im making a new xanga wat should my username be i already used tottally_cluless316 in fact thats my old one

Im MaKiNg A nEw XaNgA WhAt ShOuLd It Be?
cute yet clueless
Reply:I don't know what the heck a xanga is.... but I would strongly recommend that this xanga thingy should somehow help you fix the seemingly possessed CaPs LoCk on your computer?!?!?!

emergency dentist

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Privacy Level - Wordpress vs. Xanga?

I want to maintain a private blog, my eyes only. LiveJournal is ideal but I don't like the design set-up and the features are a little all over the place.

I've narrowed my choices down to either Wordpress or Xanga. What do you recommend? I'm looking for preferably something that is password protected; I don't want someone to be searching something random in Google and come across my blog.

Other suggestions are welcome. :)

Privacy Level - Wordpress vs. Xanga?
WordPress will work fine. So, too, would Blogger.

WordPress allows you to set passwords on a per-post basis.

Blogger allows you to label posts as viewable only by authors of the blog (i.e., you) or persons you allow to join the blog, but all posts then become viewable to those persons.

How do I work Xanga?

Myspace is simple but Xanga! I dunno what to do! How do i put layouts, music, and icons and stuff?


How do I work Xanga?
just go to your look and can add music to your page.....a layout and even quizzes...under header in look and feel, choose input my own html....just look up a layout page, get the code, and then paste it there. go further down the page and youll find where to put a music address....when you find a xanga music site(usually you can search them), just right click on the music link...then choose properties.....then get the url address link for will be on the properties window that pops up. in your look in feel pasted that url address beside your music code space. save and your done.
Reply:no idea i dont have 1. sorry. would u like to be frinds on myspace?


Is there such a thing as a xanga tracker?

iono im scare man, cuzz i check this girl xanga often and like if that thing actually exist then it'll make me look bad. im not a stalker lol i just miss her alot. we were together. can they actually see my name and what time i check their xanga? thats pretty scary im so scare

Is there such a thing as a xanga tracker?
yeah there is but it depends on the kind of tracker shes got. if she has fingerprint then it tells how many times a person visits her site, and wat time.

dont be scared y dont u just try being her friend? if u guys were together once y not just maintain ur friendship? and my advice is get over her if shes already gotten over u. if anything u can always email me

good luck
Reply:Xanga has a feature called "Footprints" now on all sites that allows the user to see who is visiting, from where, and when.

Is there a limit of entries on Xanga?

Is there a limit of the number of entries you can allow on your Xanga? I have had my xanga since 2005, and I keep it just like a journal, so i can read my thoughts i had and stuff. How many entries can you add? If there are too many, do any of them get deleted?? I dont know how many entries I have but dont want to lose them!! Please tell me all the info you can!! Thanks....appreciate it ;)

Is there a limit of entries on Xanga?
I don't think there is currently a limit at all

Site meter question on xanga....?

i put a site meter on my xanga and i want to take it off now, but i can't find out how to take it off. Does anyone know??

Site meter question on xanga....?
Check out the settings or even the source of your page (the page where you can edit your xanga), there should be an option whether you'd like the site meter to be display. From there, you should be able to decide.

Javascript Chatbox/ Chatvoard in XANGA??

i checked other xanga sites and they could use cbox in their site but when i tried pasting a code in a custom module, its said there that only html is allowed. i use cbox too and i know its javascript but how come other people were able to make it work in their site?

Javascript Chatbox/ Chatvoard in XANGA??
what idu

bad breath

Does anyone here have xanga ?

no one i know has a xanga want to add me

Does anyone here have xanga ?
i have a lot of anger if thats any help
Reply:Sure i'll add you but you would have to E-mail me frist so i can. or at:
Reply:i hava xanga :D
Reply:no, but thanks for the points!
Reply:um yea but it kinda sucks cuz i never add hehe...
Reply:i do

but i cannot give it to y ou

i have a hard time to trust people online
Reply:I have a xanga.
Reply:sorry i have never heard of what you are asking
Reply:yeah ok
Reply:i have an xanga acdcrocker100 is my user name
Reply:nope myspace
Reply:no. that was a waste of 5 points and i get 2 point back ha ha ha
Reply:not me LOL
Reply:my ex best friend dose but who cares right +idk her user name
Reply:yeah its cool!!!!

How do i remove xanga site?

Xanga will not respond to request to remove my underage childs site. Password is not known and email address was fake when the account was created.

How do i remove xanga site?
Do you mean a Xanga blog. you can usually delete the account by clicking on the delete my account button. It will ask you to take a simple test before it removes the site.

But how come you have to remove it? Doesn't your child know their password? If it's a fake e-mail then I'm afraid it's just too bad,they should have been true.
Reply:just dont go on it and maybe it'll delete itself and itf it doesnt dont worry about it

How do you take xanga music codes and put them onto an ipod?

If you go to a xanga site, and click a music link, it takes you to a blank page, and plays the song. There is a way to take that song and put it onto an Ipod. Does anyone know how to do that?

How do you take xanga music codes and put them onto an ipod?
i've never heard of that.. its easier to just download limewire and put it in ur ipod.

Does anyone have a xanga ad remover code that WORKS?

Yeah, yeah, I know I know, that xanga ad remover codes are something you shouldn't do but im not gonna pay 4 premium -.- its not worth it thats all. the ad is messing up my skin i made so plz tell me if you know a ad remover code ^^

Does anyone have a xanga ad remover code that WORKS?
%26lt;!-- begin code provided by --%26gt;

%26lt;script language=JavaScript%26gt;


// Hide Xanga Ad Bar by Natek

function hideBanner() {

var reg1 = new RegExp("width=614", "i");

var tbl = (document.getElementsByTagName ('table'))[0];



else setTimeout("hideBanner()", 500);





%26lt;!-- end code provided by --%26gt;


Where can I find xanga layouts?

I can't find any xanga layouts that are punk (pink n black stars, converse) or skater ones... pleses help!!!

Where can I find xanga layouts?
Go to google and search xanga layouts. There are tons that come up and you will most likely find one you prefer
Reply:Hey there! there's this awesome xanga site. its called . You can find TONS of stuff there =] good luck !

DANiELA%26lt;3 Report It

Reply:switch to myspace

Does any1 know when Xanga is coming back up?

xanga dot com is down.

Does any1 know when Xanga is coming back up?
probablly never you should go to myspace

How do you view someone's Xanga page if they have enabled friends lock?

Is it possible to view someone's Xanga page if they have both friends and xanga lock enabled (other than becoming their friend)?


How do you view someone's Xanga page if they have enabled friends lock?
Reply:Ask to be there friend.
Reply:They have to accept you as a friend before you can see their page if they have xanga lock. Otherwise, you won't be able to see it.
Reply:u cant other than going on their account or their friends account
Reply:I don't know
Reply:Brute force their password x D

Does anyone know how to set xanga on private and only let the people who you subsribe to see it?

Does anyone know how to set xanga on private and only let the people who you subsribe to see it? When I set my xanga on private, people can still see it after they log in. I only want to let the people who I had subsribe to see it. Is there any way? Can anyone help me? thanks in advance...

Does anyone know how to set xanga on private and only let the people who you subsribe to see it?
why yes i do ! hehe . . .

okay so go to account setting ---%26gt;

there is a blue boxed module on the left titled Account Settings with abunch of links underneath

the link you click is Privacy--%26gt; if you want just click this %26gt;%26gt;

there are abunch of boxes look at the second one .

look for something that says : Xanga Lock: Allow only signed in Xangans to view my site and click yes

here is some visualizing :

local dentist i need a new xanga name but nothing stupid.....any ideas?

xanga is basically an online weblog community....more info i need a new xanga name but nothing stupid.....any ideas?
hmm well on my usernames for xanga nd stuff i use X' and l's to make it look cool soo maybe you could use your name and make it look it well here is my user name maybe it could give you an idea


okay here are some examples



Reply:how about poopflinger95?
Reply:small_peeps_kick_*** LOL

Where can i get some music codes for my xanga?

I tried everything and i cant find music codes for my xanga! if you want to see my xanga and help me:

PLZzzzzzzzzz help!

Where can i get some music codes for my xanga?
go here:

If you ever heard of a xanga, do you have one? If you dont then go to

Just go to to figurer it out I'm not gonna explain. gosh

If you ever heard of a xanga, do you have one? If you dont then go to
Reply:i think myspace killed xanga

i have one

How do you find people on xanga??

i'm looking for a friend's xanga, but unlike myspace, xanga does not have a search option. does anyone know how to looks for certain people??

How do you find people on xanga??
You could try to use's not much help, but that's all I can think of...


Can i put Google adsense on xanga blog?

did xanga give us to put adsense on xanga blog?

Can i put Google adsense on xanga blog?
You can put AdSense anywhere as long as it conforms to the Terms of Use for both Google and for the company who's site you are marketing. Most companies do not like to have competing ads on their space.
Reply:You can't on Xanga as it violates the terms of conditions of Xanga. You can put Adsense anywhere as long as the service you use allows you to put it. The best answer is WRONG Report It

Reply:if google permitted to it so why you are not do this ,,,so let begin to start and for further query just click on the URL given below they help you exactly because she organizing the seminar on this topic recently...........................
Reply:As others said, it depends on whether the blog provider allows it. Google's only concern is that the Adsense codes not be used on pages that use competing or similar ad services that imitate the look and feel of Adsense.

Xanga uses Adsense on their homepage However, they do have a restriction on their terms of service page that says



You are granted a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Service solely in accordance with the Terms of Use and solely for your own personal, non-commercial purposes.


Reading the above clause, it appears that Xanga will consider it a violation of the terms of service if you put ads on your blog such as Adsense. I would double check with them, though they seem to be very clear about it in their terms of service.
Reply:You could depends on your traffic.

How and where can I put Xanga layouts that I got from the Net?

I recently made a Xanga account. I saw other blogs with pretty layouts but also i saw simple ones with the use of the pre-made Xanga skins. Well, the skins, no offense, are not that good. Help?

How and where can I put Xanga layouts that I got from the Net?
make your own xanga layout site


Can anyone help me with a xanga issue?

I am trying to upload video from youtube to xanga, it works on my myspace pagie but not on my xanga page, I would appreciate any help

Can anyone help me with a xanga issue?
you need to put a check on the "edit html" thing and then put the embed code in

Can I view a cached version of my old Xanga page?

I had a Xanga profile about a year ago, but I shut it down. I had a very good friend that was on my subscribers list, but we only kept in touch via Xanga. I have no other contact info for them. I tried doing a Google search by typing in "Xanga" and my old username, but all I got was a different friends page where I had left a comment. I don't remember my friends username, therefore I'd have to see a cached picture of my old page to get their username. Can anybody help me out with this?

Can I view a cached version of my old Xanga page?
Try the Wayback machine.
Reply:Sure, if you're lucky that is. Try:

Type in the webaddress of the website you want to see and if you're lucky they might have archived it. In that case you can specify the date and see your Xanga profile. Now I'm not certain that they'd archive a profile or how the Xanga website works so maybe, maybe not.


Where can I find sites like xanga and myspace?

I looked at xanga but don't like it very much.I was wondering if anybody knew of any sites that were free.I don't want to go to any dating sites seeing that I have a fiance.I just want to know about the sites that are like myspace and xanga...Can anyone please help me out?

Where can I find sites like xanga and myspace?
you already answered your own question just go to
Reply:well theres that is almost exactly like myspace with more capacity on it not many people now about it but its getting started fast.
Reply:Check out It's like myspace and facebook combined.

Does you know a lot about xanga? I need some help....?

Does anyone know how to...

1. put music on a xanga site

2. put a different curser on a xanga site

thanx 4 ur help! i appreciate it! ;)

Does you know a lot about xanga? I need some help....?
i´m sure that if you look xanga tricks in google, you'll find something.

Website with free xanga layouts?

U guys know any website where they offer free punk/metal/dark/emo xanga layouts??

Website with free xanga layouts?

This site has many links to sites that you might like (punk/metal, etc). Have fun.

Why Isn't Working?

I go on why isnt it working?Whenever i go to the site it says,

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

whats going on?

Why Isn't Working?
Its temporarily unavailable, they're just doing routine maintenance, they do this once a year.
Reply:I wondered too, but I'm 99% sure it's just down for maintenance. It's not gone forever!

Just relax, give it a day or so, and things should be back up and running smoothly.


How long will xanga be shutdown?

Does anyone know when xanga will be back up and running?

How long will xanga be shutdown?
I all depends, routine check, shouldn’t take any longer than a 24 hour period. I heard it got hit by some virus, that could take, a whole day and half. I say take a break, enjoy the rest of evening and check again later tomorrow, afternoon.

What happend to xanga?

Is xanga like shut down or something?

What happend to xanga?
Xanga is temporarily down for maintenance
Reply:Ok nevermind i tried signing on......and i dont know what happened to xanga

Is Myspace or Xanga better?

Whcich do you think surpasses the other? Myspace or Xanga? Please explain why.

Is Myspace or Xanga better?
i like xanga better. thats casue its easier. also myspace always has "technical problems"... xanga never does. also xanga can change so fact n myspace never changes or barly ever does
Reply:i think they both rock but the best ine is its a virtual instant messeging with createing you
Reply:omfg...since i had both...i think xanga is better cuz its easier to get around and myspace is more confussing...

How can you make your profile private on XANGA?

i want to make my profile private on xanga but dont know how and i dont want strangers going on it! please help

How can you make your profile private on XANGA?;_ylt=A...

I've found this site Stacey... whether it will help or not I don't know...

Caramac x


Question related to Xanga?

Can I move my entries from a livejournal to my new xanga?

Question related to Xanga?
nope. but, you can copy and paste all the enteries to your xanga, but they will all end up showing that they were written on the same day.
Reply:The only thing you can do is copy and paste. However, that will make it look like you wrote everything today. I don't believe you can change the timestamp on the entry.

But because they are run by two different mods, there's no way to automatically transfer between the two.

Music on a xanga??????

how do you put music on a xanga????

Music on a xanga??????
go to websites and right click on the song and go to properties, copy the url and go to your look and feel on xanga and under "music" copy the url

heres a good site

Who here has xanga?

I have xanga but no one visits my site =(

Who here has xanga?
I don't have XANGA

but i do have Geocities Website
Reply:I used to back in the day.

Need help with xanga??

can anyone help me change the wallpaper of my xanga site??

Need help with xanga??
go to look and feel and then go to header and put a background that u want there


Am I the only one who still uses Xanga?

Seriously, I tell people that I use Xanga instead of FB or MS and they look at me like they have no idea what I'm talking about.

Am I the only one who still uses Xanga?
No, I have a Xanga too, but nobody really uses it anymore so I just use MS. And Facebook, because some of my friends won't get a myspace because they don't want to be a myspace freak.
Reply:I use Xanga ALL the time for quotes.

Reply:Myspace and Facebook are alot easier to use because all you do is fill in blanks with your info but I prefer xanga idk why
Reply:I use livejournal
Reply:wot on earth is xanga

Anyone know good xanga layouts that are original and don't have the usual glitter and whatnot? you like it or is it weird? does anyone know some good layout sites....comment if you visit!!!i like meeting new people

Anyone know good xanga layouts that are original and don't have the usual glitter and whatnot?
It's interesting but I can't find your xanga posts.

Anyone have an Xanga?

Want to be friends with me on Xanga?

Anyone have an Xanga?


Why not?

(err... What's a Xanga?)

Which blog sites? Xanga/Live Journal?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone out there uses xanga or live journal alot, and which in their opinion is better and why. I have never started a blog before.

also, which site is the easiest to change the appearance with more advanced things etc?

Which blog sites? Xanga/Live Journal?
I personaly prefer Blogdrive to all of them. Lots of templates here:

dental clinic

Do you have xanga??

if so go to

for juicy pics

Do you have xanga??
Reply:I think my dog had a nasty case of it last year. He's better now.
Reply:No. If I did I'd take vitamins.
Reply:no, my Friend does.

My space xanga help?

how do you find a friends zanga-xanga or my space if you don't have the name of it and all you have is there name

My space xanga help?
xanga users search

myspace members search
Reply:I know that xanga has a way to search for them by name and I would bet the same for myspace. Go to the homepages of those sites and look for a search option or find someone option.

local dentist

Posts on xanga??? =\ help!!!!?

i have an xanga account...but its not like these other chicks. they are mostly all anorexic....but its cool how they get to post what they ate that day and what they did....i cant do that like they can...does it come with the premium membership or something??? they also get to put their goal weight and stuff and cross it out once theyve done it?!! omg need help!!!! thanks =\

Posts on xanga??? =\ help!!!!?
I have no clue about the first part of the question, but when I left Xanga, layouts were premium-only features.

That's why I left Xanga.

Blogger for me.

Sorry about the first part.
Reply:It should be included on their xanga layout. I don't know much about it or how to find it but maybe someone else will post it up.


Myspace or Xanga ppl. help with a code?

so im looking for a code i saw in Xanga %26amp; Myspace but i dunno where to find the code. Its one of those "Welcome" windows pop up that you have to pass before you go onto the website help!!

Myspace or Xanga ppl. help with a code?
pls click on- - -

Where's xanga??

why is not working? I have years and years of writing on there!

Where's xanga??
it's just under construction for a littl ewhile.

don't worry it will be back. :)

Which is better Myspace or Xanga?

I would have to say Myspace, its much more easier then Xanga! I used to like xanga but it got boring after a while and Myspace is just better, you dont have to post a blog or anything everyday.

Which is better Myspace or Xanga?
xanga is cool
Reply:myspace, definitely.
Reply:If you don't want to keep a blog, what are you using a website for? I guess MySpace is for you, or maybe Facebook.
Reply:Xanga is for illiterate fools. I would choose myspace or friendster over that.

Can I get into trouble for uploading songs onto my Xanga site?

My dad told me that you can get into serious trouble for uploading songs onto sites like Limewire, %26amp; so I'm a bit nervous about putting songs on my Xanga site. They are all songs that I bought from Itunes or ripped from cds, so I do own them, but I'm not sure what the legality is for sharing them on a site like Xanga.

There are a lot of songs I'd love to share, so I'd be super grateful for some feedback!

Thanks!!! : )

Can I get into trouble for uploading songs onto my Xanga site?
This is the risk you must take when dealing with illegal thing. Nobody knows whether you will be caught because of this or not. Never get caught doesn't mean it's safe. It's up to you to decide
Reply:nah, go ahead!
Reply:File swapping in Peer To Peer applications is illegal and there was the entire court actions against Napster for this same event. Without permission (which you will not get) from the band (copyrights owners) you can be arrested and fines and compensatory damages may be sought by the band and others....



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States No Electronic Theft Act (NET Act), a federal law passed in 1997, provides for criminal prosecution of individuals who engage in copyright infringement, even when there is no monetary profit or commercial benefit from the infringement. Maximum penalties can be five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. The NET Act also raised statutory damages by 50%.

Prior to the enactment of the NET Act in 1997, copyright infringement for a noncommercial purpose was apparently not punishable by criminal prosecution, although noncommercial infringers could be sued in a civil action by the copyright holder to recover damages. At that time, criminal prosecutions under the copyright act were possible only when the infringer derived a commercial benefit from his or her actions. This state of affairs was underscored by the unsuccessful 1994 prosecution of David LaMacchia, then a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for allegedly facilitating massive copyright infringement as a hobby, without any commercial motive. The court's dismissal of United States vs. LaMacchia suggested that then-existing criminal law simply did not apply to noncommercial infringements (a state of affairs which became known as the "LaMacchia Loophole"). The court suggested that Congress could act to make some noncommercial infringements a crime, and Congress acted on that suggestion in the NET Act.

The NET Act amends the definition of "commercial advantage or private financial gain" to include the exchange of copies of copyrighted works even if no money changes hands and specifies penalties of up to five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. It also creates a threshold for criminal liability even where the infringer neither obtained nor expected to obtain anything of value for the infringement.

The act raised the levels of statutory damages in civil cases to $750 - $30,000 per work (and up to $150,000 per work in case of willful infringement).

Hi how safe is xanga online? Compared to myspace?

I was signed up on myspace, but i hear that it's not that safe. some of my friends have xanga. Is xanga any more safe and fun than myspace??

Hi how safe is xanga online? Compared to myspace?
i agree with the person right above me. it does not depend on the site, it depends on YOU. i personally have always thought that xanga would be more dangerous, because i use it like a personal diary, telling locations and things i did during the day. which can give away your location.

but yes, myspace is as safe as YOU make it. not adding people who are not your real friends in life, and NOT putting up information that others can use to find you. if you are age 14 or 15, you are going to be more safe, because your profile is Private, and only people who add you as a friend can see it. if you are not 14 or 15, you still can be extra safe. my profile says very little and you can not see my conversations with others or my comments. all the info on my page about me is:

Hi, I'm Amanda.

I like to be random.

I think wayy too much.

When I grow up I want to be a shrink.

I like to do things that make ppL think: WTF?


I DO NOT ADD ppL i do not know. or like that one girl that knows one of my friends.

The friends on my list, i actually talk to or see on a regular basis.

but ultimately, the decision is up to you.

my stats:

myspace for almost two years; almost 17 years old; have not been stalked/raped/killed/or kidnapped

xanga for about a year or so... NO ONE but my best friend knows about it and sees it.

because it is my personal diary.
Reply:You determine how safe it is. If you choose to put personal information on your profile, that's your own problem. Myspace and xanga don't show the public anything that you don't want them to see. They both have options to choose if you want to show your last name, address, email address, and other personal stuff.
Reply:its not how safe it is.

both are about the same

its just the fact that the myspace community is so much larger than the xanga community. that's what makes it mroe dangerous.

my suggestion to you would be if anything, only make a xanga.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Which is better : Xanga, FaceBook, or Multiply?

My friend wants me to get FaceBook, Multiply looks cool, and I used Xanga before.

WHICH IS BETTER!??!!? :| :| :| :| :

Which is better : Xanga, FaceBook, or Multiply?
|I personally like facebook for its simplicity and security (you don't have to make you're profile available to everyone.
Reply:I'd say facebook, since the main purpose of these sites is to connect with your friends. But Xanga is mainly focused on blogging, so if that is what your more interested in, stick to xanga. Facebook is simple to use though, so just because you havent used it before doesnt mean u cant use it now.

But of course there is never no harm in having all three.

Reply:Go with Facebook, they have it pretty well established now, Multiply looks like a rip-off of Facebook and Xanga is trying the same.
Reply:it kind of depends on what kidn of person you are.

everyone likes differnt things like

this person likes myspace better

or this person likes facebook better.

so try all of them and see what you like. =)
Reply:facebooook is the best ever im addicted woooop
Reply:facebook is good never tried the others

Myspace question and xanga?

i want to sighn up for myspace and xanga but evreytime i sighn up it says..........based on the information you are not eligible to register.and i did evreything right.just incase im wrong how do you sighn up?thanks

Myspace question and xanga?
Given the way you write (no offense!) I'm assuming that you're fairly young. MySpace and Xanga have age requirements, and you have to be fourteen to open an account. Some people will lie to get in but I'm not suggesting that you do that if you're underage because misleading people isn't cool and you risk getting them in trouble and potentially getting in trouble yourself. Also, if you do register an account and they have reason to suspect that you're 'underage', they'll terminate your account.
Reply:Not sure about xanga but myspace has an age requirement. You have to be at least 14 years old to have a profle. When you are 14-15 years old only people on your friends list are able to see your full profile.
Reply:It depends on your age. You have to be at least 14. If you tried signing up with the address before and put you were under 14, you need to use a new email addy.
Reply:well they won let yew start 1 if yew r 13. So lie about your age. You have 2 be 14 or older. Dont worry its happened 2 me b4 2.
Reply:If you are under 14 it won't let.

Which blog sites? Xanga/Live Journal?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone out there uses xanga or live journal alot, and which in their opinion is better and why. I have never started a blog before.

also, which site is the easiest to change the appearance with more advanced things etc?

Which blog sites? Xanga/Live Journal?
I personaly prefer Blogdrive to all of them. Lots of templates here:

procelain veneers

Does adsense work xanga or googlepages? Does it cost money?

Does adsense work xanga or googlepages? Does it cost money?

Does adsense work xanga or googlepages? Does it cost money?
Google Adsense is free to enrol in. However, it wont work on googlepages or xanga because you need to include javascript-based HTML code to embed the Adsense code. Neither of these homepage sites let you do this.
Reply:its free and you can earn working at home Report It

Reply:No, doesn't cost money.
Reply:I dunno wat kinda of question you're asking but signing up for xanga is free.I tryed l0l:-)

I need good xanga sites with profile stuff for aim..?

does anybody know the xanga sites with the profile stuff because i like those cause they are already decorated. thanks for any help and please no rude comments.

I need good xanga sites with profile stuff for aim..?
I haven't found any.
Reply:i have an xanga site where i have stuff for AIM profiles.

come check it out! =] Report It

Posting youtube on xanga?

How do I post a youtube vid on xanga? Also, if youre gonna start talking about html, tell me where to find it. Is html the URL, or what? Help would bge really appreciated.


Posting youtube on xanga?
you have to embed it from the text it is on the left of the video on youtube

Can I use Xanga layouts for Livejournal?

I've been looking for livejournal layouts, but cannot find any that that I like. Xanga layouts are supposedly simliar. Are they interchangeable?

Can I use Xanga layouts for Livejournal?
No, they're not. Xanga uses a completely different source code than Livejournal.

Greatestjournal, however, uses the same code as Livejournal.


Is anyone using Xanga?

I’m just curious if anyone is still on it. After Myspace and facebook people just started disappearing. I just recently got back on xanga, Myspace is getting on my nerves.

P.S. is my profile song annoying?

Is anyone using Xanga?
I still use xanga, but not often. For some reason I cant hear your profile song, but I havnt heard many "annoying" songs before.

Can anyone help...xanga question?

I am looking for a thing that people can type in and leave comments on the side for my xanga. I do not want to use Flooble Chatterbox, Shoutbox, or Tag-board. Know of any others? Thanks!!!

Can anyone help...xanga question?
yea theres one and its called chatango it shows ppl whn your on or offline and they can leave u comments on ur chat box and u can c them when you get on there kinda kewl.
Reply:well, the one I use, well, you can get it at It's just anoying that you have to press the "refresh" button on the box to see messages others have put after YOUR last message, cuz you can't just see them right as they're being sent, so... just try it out. You can customize your cbox with any colors you want using the color hex codes and, try it out, it's good!
Reply:hahaahaha xanga is so over with dude go to myspace
Reply:yeah myspace is the "IN" thing now

How to delet xanga accnt.? i kinda already asked the question can i account? =]=]=]=]

How to delet xanga accnt.?
How do I shut down my site?

Are you sure you want to shut down your site?

Shutting down your site...

Hides every part of your Xanga site

Removes you from your metro and all your blogrings

Stops your feedback log and subscription emails

Cancels your Xanga Premium

After you shut down your site...

You will not be able to sign in to read or edit your Xanga site

You will not be able to use your current username for a new account

You will not be able to undo the shut down

To permanently shut down your site, go here:

After you complete the three-step training quiz, you will be prompted to sign in, followed by a final shut down confirmation page. Click "Yes - Shut Down site", and your site will be shut down.

I have a xanga and i want to delete it?

i have a xanga and i dont want it anymore how in the world do i delete it ????

I have a xanga and i want to delete it?
u go to faqs and press the question a bout deleting ur site. press that and there you go.
Reply:go see a doctor
Reply:I have a xanga too but I don't wanna delete it lol.

family dentists

Why is xanga down?

why is xanga down

Why is xanga down?
Xanga is temporarily down for the day, doing some maintenance, should be back up by tomorrow. Does this once a year.

Whats the xanga website for the headlines you put on your myspace profile?

Whats the xanga website for the headlines you put on your myspace profile?

Whats the xanga website for the headlines you put on your myspace profile?
well if youre looking for image crap

%26lt;img src="your image url here"%26gt;

Anyone use Xanga?

anyone use xanga? i just signed up .. and i want to use a layout i found on a diff site .. i cant find where to put the html code .. where do i do it?

Anyone use Xanga?
not since 1999.

i used that in 6th grade hahaha

you put the code in somewhere thats like "edit"
Reply:you put the html code IN or AFTER the %26lt;body%26gt; tag.



%26lt;body style...%26gt;

hope i helped ^__^
Reply:used to not any more

Got any tips for my xanga site?

i am new to Xanga and i need help! how can i add a customized back ground? like i saw some w/flowers, hearts ect. how can i add a playlist of songs? and on the side it says add a skin and i typed and what is a skin? and how do i add pix to my site? so if you have any tips to my site and anwsers to my q's plz add them , here is my site

Got any tips for my xanga site?
well first off...the link you gave only leads me to MY xanga....because it says "yourhome" in the address bar. You must have linked youre editorial page and not the preview. but thats ok. =D

to get a background

*go to the xanga home page,

*at the top there is a search bar. Make sure you're searching under "profiles" and not anything else.

*Type in "layouts"

*a bunch of links to other people's xanga site's will come up. They are made for other users and have tons of layouts to choose from. Most will explain how to add them as well.

*You can also search more specifically like "layout queen" or "flower layouts" or "heart layouts"

*If you found one you like but don't know how to put it on your site, copy the HTML code and paste it into a weblog then post it. Usually this works.

I think a skin is a not sure because I never use them, I just use layouts because I find them easier.

To add pix

*go to the top of your site where it says "new weblog entry" click there.

*under where it says "title" it has four tabs that say "text" "photos" "videos" and "audio" Click "PHOTOS"

*Click browse and find whatever pic you want to load

*Then click upload

*After it's done uploading look to the left of the page. There should be three tabs that say "upload" "choose" and "link" click "CHOOSE"

*Find the pic you uploaded and click it!

*It should pop up it the text area and you can finish typing whatever, if you have the free version only 6 pics are allowed to be uploaded a month so choose carefully!
Reply:get a myspace

emergency dentist

Cole sprouse xanga or myspace name or his brothers works too?

i heard cole at least has a xanga

Cole sprouse xanga or myspace name or his brothers works too?
they probably a lie do you really think any celeb would run there own web site people say there zac effron on my space he said none of those were him.
Reply:no i dont no but is u find out tell me
Reply:I dont Know wat ur Talki'n abOut?

Rate this xanga layout?

Rate this xanga layout?
you've got zero


Aim profiles & Xanga Pictures!!! PLEASE HELP?

does anyone know how to take a picture from xanga and put it into your aim profile? PLEASE HELP

Aim profiles %26amp; Xanga Pictures!!! PLEASE HELP?
you right click the picture and hit "save in my pictures"

and then you hit browse pictures in AIM and find it and pick it.