Monday, May 4, 2009


How private and personal is Xanga, really? I have mine set up as a friend-only viewing system. can anyone from the internet, or somebody who is not my friend on xanga, view my site? If so, what should i do to keep it safe? i dont post any pix or anything...but doesnt anyone know the real truth about what you write on your xanga? thanks so much!

I used to have a xanga and I put up private posts, but I have a friend that is rather handy with computers and he could see my private posts through the RSS Feeds even though he should not have been able to. So nothing is perfectly safe, but for the most part it should be okay, but there is always a way around something.
Reply:Wait how is that possible that people can view your posts through the RSS Feeds?? I mean that's a complete invaison of privacy and it's just rude for someone to do such a thing! By the by, great answer! Report It

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