Monday, May 4, 2009

Xanga help?

I just started a xanga and I need as much help as possible so umm can you tell me to do stuff and how to get more subscribtions? I would like to know all about xanga so I can know it more better. Like how to put some special affects and stuff. Also i would like if you tell me if blogthings are free you know from

P.S You can visit my xanga at

P.S.S whoever gives the most info about it gets 10 points!

Xanga help?
Xanga is a blog its like a internet journal. You tell what you did during that day.

You could customize your site like icons, background and cyberpets. Sometimes like me I use xanga for beating my friends who got most content. But our site was banned because the bandwith was too much.

To get more subsciption ask your friends or family to join or subscribe people you don't know. To subscibe go to their site then click "SUBSCRIBE!" some where in the upper left.

To put stuff log in and click look and feel. Then for background in the header click the drop down list and press "insert your own codes" or something like that. To find codes find xanga sites or other page that give you codes for background, icons and etc.

P.s I subscibe to you
Reply:blogs are free that's for sure.. too learn more about xanga styles you must understand HTML codes.. But i will provide you a website that you can copy and paste the codes to your xanga site with all the codes you will need
Reply:to get more subscriptions to your blog, your friends have to subscribe, but to subscribe to others, just go to their xanga and click subscribe. are free, there are also a lot more sites to look at for blog things and html codes and things to make your xanga look awesome! you can visit my xanga if you would like and see what i've done with it. I've done a lot more to my myspace. All you have to do is type in to a search engine, blog effects, blog layouts, blog things, blog quizzes, blog surveys, you should be provided with all the answers you need! If I can help with anything else, feel free to email me.

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