Monday, May 4, 2009

Xanga is it forgotten?

Xanga used to be used by everyone of my friends, but pretty soon, everyone started leaving it for MYSPACE!!! i was like ill never abandon my xanga, but soon realized that i was on myspaceall the time... why is it that myspace could hold our attention but xanga couldnt? will xanga be forgotten at one point?

Xanga is it forgotten?
People talk about myspace on the radio all the time, no one mentions xanga. I never even heard of it before myspace.
Reply:I think xanga is more blog-based, rather than networking. I use my blog to update readers of my life, but networking sites just for quick personal communication. Report It

Reply:from my school, virtually everyone moved to myspace - its more comprehensive:

Big profile (and commenting ability)

Space for pictures (and commenting ability)

Birthday, Message, Comment notifications

Friends and Groups

Music, Backgrounds, Borders - virtually everything about the personal profile/main user page is customizable
Reply:It sees like xanga is going to be forgotten. Myspace has more than half of the social-networking business. I myself had a xanga but I don't have anything on it cuz I'm on my space ALL THE TIME!!! and every body else.
Reply:Like many one-time commercially viable products, no matter how good, sooner or later something better comes along. Unless there are constant improvements and enhancements OR adequate promotion OR if it's so good that it doesn't need either, it certainly can fall by the wayside and be forgotten.
Reply:Xanga has basically been forgotten by everyone here. It's so sad. I love my xanga. It's so fun to mess with. I cannot have myspace due to like it's dangers or something? I don't know. No one else seems to have the same outlook on xanga and other sites compared to myspace and facebook. Facebook is pretty fun. but even there it's not much of a blogging thing. I love blogging. I think eventually it will be forgotten.

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