Monday, May 4, 2009

Xanga Graphic Site Name!?

I'm going to be making a Xanga graphic site with many graphics, icons, etc. of models, celebrities, etc.

I need a catchy name! I'd like it to seem 'glamorous' or include a designer. Here's some examples of Xanga names that have already been used;

straightupjuicy, downtowndesignsx3, barneysnewyork, rimmellondon, coutureinthecity, graphicselite, thedevilwearsdolce, sequinedflats.

anything will be appreciated! please help(;

Xanga Graphic Site Name!?
i wanna make a site ... ok whatever you do dont copy from photo bucket

Xanga Question?

Does anyone know how to put together a xanga layout code and what the code and letters mean?

here's and example:

%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href=" target="_blank"%26gt;x0broken_heartz_layouts0...

%26lt;!-- End Script by --%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

body {

background-color: #FFFFFF;

scrollbar-arrow-color: #0000FF;

scrollbar-track-color: #0000FF;

scrollbar-shadow-color: #3D3D3D;

scrollbar-face-color: #E0E0E0;

scrollbar-highlight-color: #D6D6D6;

scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #3D3D3D;

scrollbar-3dlight-color: #D6D6D6;


.left, .blogbody, table.footer, .standard, .leftmodulefontcolor, td, p {

/* edits main text */

font:normal 10px tahoma;


color: #0000FF;



Do you know when to put the codes like /* or %26lt;.. or something? Thanks for your help!

Xanga Question?
In the Look and Feel section, there's a couple places to put modules like this so that they show up as graphics. Make sure that when you put them in there, that you don't put spaces in unless the spaces were there to start with. And of course it applies the other way as well. If you're adding a module, it's always a good idea to put an empty line between the two sections of code.

Xanga users help please. I'm trying to make my own page for a project, and I need some help.?

I'm working on a national history day project for school, and I'm designing a web page to show my information. I've used xanga before and know the basic layouts, but do I have to subscribe and pay to get it so that I can add links to extra xanga pages? Can I get extra pages with out it. This might be very vage information, but please any tips would help me. Just anything you know about the site and how to add more with out paying would be great. I don't need anything on layouts though, I know how to do that.

Xanga users help please. I'm trying to make my own page for a project, and I need some help.?
Consult the help manual.


My xanga blog get virus attack??? help help help?

my xanga blog is

since few days ago when i want to go into my weblog(the public view), a chinese website will pop out, did i get virus attack?? pls help me, i do not want to lose my xanga blogsite

now even my friends is saying they get the pop out when open my blog

please please help!!!!

My xanga blog get virus attack??? help help help?
its not rly a virus. Contact the Xanga site and tell them about it. They will do something.

Hi. I have a question about xanga......does any1 know any good xanga layout? tutorials plz read the text below

Ok. I know this is a specific question to ask but i was wondering if any1 knew any good xanga layouts tutorials that have layouts similar to this? [if the link doesnt work then plz copy and paste the URL or type it in urself ^___^] again, i wanted to know if there was any good xanga custom module layout tutorials on the layout or something similar to it. Plz help. imma tired of fixing my lays over and over and iver and over and over and over again untill my lays dont look like im jocking T____________T jeez....XDDD.

[you may have already found this similar question but imma asking it again just to make sure that ppl are reading it b/c i really wanna start meh xanga site "%26gt;.%26gt;

Hi. I have a question about xanga......does any1 know any good xanga layout? tutorials plz read the text below

How to get my xanga to look like this?

i want a different theme. like what is a theme and whats a layout... im confused.

How to get my xanga to look like this?
you can`t change your layout.

Do you think this request to xanga will be fufilled?

Okay, so a few months ago xanga deleted a lot of accounts because they seemed like they were under the age of 13 or something. They deleted my profile during that process, too. Well, this is what it says when I try to go to my old profile.

*Sorry, the page you have requested could not be found or is no longer public

If you are looking for a specific Xanga User, you may want to try a Xanga Users Search.

» Return to Previous Page

» Return to Xanga Frontpage

*I don't go on xanga anymore, and don't really like it that much. But I want to read the stuff I wrote few years ago, soo badly. It's funny and interesting to see what I wrote in the past. Anyways, do you think if I e-mail xanga they will put my profile back up?

Do you think this request to xanga will be fufilled?
arus.geo is right, chances are..its gone for good. Try searching for under "profiles" to see if it comes up. You could try emailing them to find out if you could just see the website and not be able to edit it. At least this way you'll find out if the site is gone or not.
Reply:once they delete profiles, its gone for good.

local dentist

Disney Xanga Layouts?

Where can I find Good DISNEY Xanga Layouts. I have a pretty nice tinkerbell one, but I want 2 find more.

My Xanga:

Disney Xanga Layouts?
Try here:
Reply:i just want to say, that i didnn't like it that much, seein as they only had 1 or 2, i liked marie's better Report It

Reply:go to and go to users and type in disney layouts.
Reply:hey gurl! plz leave a comment on my xanga! its but i dont know were u can find disney layouts! im 12 by the way and my name is justice by the way!

Help?!?! xanga layout help?!?

where do i put the layout code i have it but where do i put it on my xanga website

Is xanga like myspace?

i want to have a xanga account but if it is like myspace then i dont want it.

Is xanga like myspace?
yes.. almost like it but with differences.

the main difference is the crowd that these websites cater to.

myspace is more widespread and xanga is more of a 'high school oriented'


Will a myspace layout work on an xanga profile

try it


Xanga question on look and feel-need help now?

every time i put the code for the layout on my xanga, i can see it on my private page but it doesn't show up on my public. how can i make it show up on my public? thank you!

Xanga question on look and feel-need help now?
change your page settings to public look on either your look and feel page or where you write entries i dunno maybe thats the problem

Xanga skins?

Can anyone provide a website where i can find good xanga skin codes. i'm looking for girly but colorful. their color combinations should be exquisite.

Xanga skins?
Some pretty decent ones linked below
Reply:You could always request a skin from a layout site or go to

Xanga help, please!?

Do your comments on other people xanga sites stay there even when your account is deleted?

Xanga help, please!?
I do not think so !

Xanga codes?

Ok I found the away messages and stuff I want on this persons page if you look at the away messages she shows only one of them have a code below, where can i find the codes for the other ones?

Xanga codes?
idk...u should ask her :]


Xanga code to remove "next 5 " link?

I've tried createblog and their code to remove the "next 5 entries" link does not work.

Does anyone know of a xanga code that can remove that link OR a code that will allow me to only show viewers one entry?

thanks (:

Xanga help?!?!?!?

i just got a xanga and i dont know how to put like icons and sayings on it? can someone talk me through it?!?!

Xanga help?!?!?!?
WOW your pretty late...

Help me with xanga?

i'm familiar with xanga, but since they switched things up, i'm not exactly sure what to do.

i want to put a layout code so that it shows on my public profile. if anyone knows how to do this using the new xanga, that'd be amazing :]

Help me with xanga?
its the same thing as before

Xanga Footprints?

If I turn my Xanga Footprints feature off and choose to browse anonymously, I know my username won't show up in other people's Footprints, but will my visit still add to their number of visits? Thanks!

Xanga Footprints?
yes your visit will still add to their number of views



Xanga better than Myspace?

do you think that its safer to have a Xanga than a Myspace? You have all of the same features, on both??

Xanga better than Myspace?
They have some of the same features now, but they're still very different really.

Some people would say to go with Facebook because it's more secure but that's not necessarily true. You can make things private and block people on both Myspace and Xanga too.

Xanga is mainly just for blogging.

I had a Xanga first and I still love it.
Reply:I havent heard of anyone having an xanga in at least a good 2+ years, right now all the craze is Facebook and MySpace. Most everyone I know has a Facebook or Myspace so they can keep in touch with old high school friends, work, parents, or even kids from other countries. I think Facebook is alot safer because you have more safety features then Xanga, and I know MySpace you can put your profile on private but I still think Facebook is safer due to the different technology it has.
Reply:uhm....go with facebook...its better than both, more secure at least in certain ways
Reply:xanga is safer but myspace is way better
Reply:hellz no!

myspace forever!!!
Reply:Xanga?? never heard of it BUT i love facebook anyways
Reply:I had a Xanga when I was in like 4th grade. Never knew what it was used for.

I don't have a Myspace, because I want to do something with my life.

I pick Xanga.
Reply:Xanga is safer because nobody has it. I would pick myspace and just put it on private.
Reply:Safer cause myspace is more popular.

No myspace is better.


Not as safe but funn-er
Reply:I have both Xanga and myspace. I prefer myspace. Nobody ever reads my xanga blogs. Xanga is better for blogging and is probably safer though. I have never had my xanga account get phished like my myspace account. Myspace is more secure if you don't want others to see your profile and read your stuff. My xanga account lets others see it all.
Reply:Never even heard of Xanga. So it prob. sucks
Reply:Yeah if you like boring Blogging sites
Reply:If they are the same, then neither of them is better than the other and facebook is LAME!!
Reply:i am not sure..i will check out xanga..i have never heard of it.
Reply:Xanga is much safer than myspace. But, you can probably do more on myspace because xanga came out before myspace. So, myspace is more recent and popular.
Reply:no xanga is lamer at least it was a few years ago when i had one
Reply:Myspace has chat with your friends! I have one!

Xanga glitch. Help?

I have a xanga account and I've updated about 8-10 posts till now? But in my page, only 2 posts are shown and now my page is redirected to another website everytime i go in. Could it be a glitch? These problems started popping soon after they gave me a free premium trial. Could it be because of that? I'm really confused. Please help? Thanks.

Xanga Url=

Xanga glitch. Help?
There is a glitch from time to time.
Reply:it happens sometimes. i had similar problems earlier too

Xanga ok?????

my friend has a xanga page and i wz wondering what the difference was beween a xanga and a myspace?? i kno myspace's can be unsafe so is a xanga safer???

Xanga ok?????
i have a xanga site....myspace has more people...its become so big...if offers more things like buddy list to tell when friends are on. Xang is pretty much a blog only where you can post pictures. I like xanga though. im on it more tha nmyspace hehe

i do not think myspace is safer at has millions of users, and 3 people that i know on my list so far have had their accounts hacked in the past week. They contain links and i clicked on one the first time before i knew they were hacked posts and the next day i had a virus i had to remove. Coincidence? maybe, but i hardly ever get viruses. I have several anti-virus programs that block them, and for one to get through isn't often. So i would go with xanga. I would say that it is safer, although ANY site can be unsafe depending on what information you give.
Reply:i think that myspace is safer bc you have more privicy setting.. you should try it you will see
Reply:Both sites CAN be unsafe if you use them improperly. Just use Internet saftey, and you and your friends will be just fine! :D

Personally, I prefer Xanga...less ads. MySpace is so busy, with ads and music and all sorts of flashing crap. If you're looking for social networking, go to MySpace. But if you just want to keep an online journal, Xanga is a better choice.

Song on xanga page?

i dont use xanga, so idk how to find out what song it is

heres the page

help is appreciated

Song on xanga page?
Weakdays by Young and Divine



what's is it like and which one is better because im gonna sign up for it and i cant log into my myspace so yea?so what do u do there at me thx xD

It's myspace without the retards
Reply:xanga is a basically an online journal. i would say myspace is way better, more people have it and you can find alot of old friends (and new ones!)
Reply:Xanga is kinda like Myspace except you can write how your day or liffe etc like a diary! and people comment on it. i use to have 1 but Myspace is more popular now.
Reply:Xanga is a community of online diaries and journals. You can pretty much turn it into anything you want. You can post blogs, or post pictures. It's hard to tell what all you can do with it, since there are plenty of opportunities. The best thing to do is sign up and see how easy it is for yourself. I enjoy it, i use it to upload and share my collection of icons and pictures.

Not Receiving Xanga Subscription Digest?

I have subscribed to a few sites on Xanga, and I usually received all the updates in my e-mail the day after they were posted. I know the sites have been updating, however, I haven't received any e-mails in the past week. Can anyone help me fix this problem? I really don't want to have to log into Xanga to read them. Thanks in advance!

Not Receiving Xanga Subscription Digest?
I think it's the site, because I havent been recieving them for about 6-9 days :/ Hope they fix it soon.
Reply:I haven't gotten any either; neither has my son, who uses a different server than I.

Advertising my xanga site?

Hey! We are the 2 people from Insane_advize on xanga. We are advertising anywhere we can get :) come check it out @

Advertising my xanga site?
I run a popular one, Sister sites?
Reply:You should check out the article at there are some great ways to get free advertising for your site. Make sure to sign up for "instant buzz", "free traffic bar" and "1on40" these are all free ways to get traffic to your site and they can be found at the site above. Sign up for them first. Then there are also other ways to get traffic to your site within that article. You may also want to bookmark that page, everytime I find new, free ways to advertise your website I will be adding them to that page.
Reply:Hi try this website it will tell you all you need to know monthly.
Reply:Use this FREE submission service and YOUR site will be NUMBER ONE on Google, Yahoo and 38 other TOP search engines for FREE.

Use our search engine submitter once. Experience the revolutionary FREE service and watch your web site shoot to the FIRST result of Google, Yahoo and 38 other TOP search engines in 120 days for your 5 keywords, then pay us (bid) to stay at NUMBER ONE position. YOU try our service, see how it works for yourself without risk. EARN from the results and then finally pay a small fee (bid) to carry on being NUMBER ONE on Google plus 39 other TOP search engines.

This FREE offer only exists while we are BETA testing our service. Try it now for FREE before we release the ‘paid for service’.
Reply:omg xanga's still alive?!?!?!

ur layout looks better than myspace

Need help with my xanga page?!?! Look & Feel section of xanga?!?!?

To put custom stuff on your xanga public site, like layouts and such, you have to put it under Look %26amp; Feel on xanga. The problem is, my xanga says this, "Note: this page has *no impact* on your public site… It looks like you're using the new Xanga Themes system (official site, help forum), which means you can do all the following directly from your own public preview page: edit your header, change all your styles, and edit your modules. To edit your public site, just click public preview." I've explored all aspects of my public site and tried to find how I can edit it with my own personal choice of layout, instead of the "okay" ones that xanga provides under All Themes, and have found absolutely NOTHING that will allow me to do so. How can I make it so that when I change things on my Look %26amp; Feel page, it won't only show up on My Home (private page), but will show up on my public site?!? Thanks!!

Need help with my xanga page?!?! Look %26amp; Feel section of xanga?!?!?
You have to go to your page that displays as the theme and go into the editting box. There will be a box to check / uncheck if that's the format you want to use or not. Shut it off and it won't come back.


Xanga or Myspace?

I personaly like xanga better, but myspace is OK. If you wanna check out my xanga it's

What do you like better myspace or xanga?

Xanga or Myspace?
xanga much! my space is to personal my site is but whatever u do plez do not email me, you can coment me what eve but plez dont e mail me thanxs

Xanga is it forgotten?

Xanga used to be used by everyone of my friends, but pretty soon, everyone started leaving it for MYSPACE!!! i was like ill never abandon my xanga, but soon realized that i was on myspaceall the time... why is it that myspace could hold our attention but xanga couldnt? will xanga be forgotten at one point?

Xanga is it forgotten?
People talk about myspace on the radio all the time, no one mentions xanga. I never even heard of it before myspace.
Reply:I think xanga is more blog-based, rather than networking. I use my blog to update readers of my life, but networking sites just for quick personal communication. Report It

Reply:from my school, virtually everyone moved to myspace - its more comprehensive:

Big profile (and commenting ability)

Space for pictures (and commenting ability)

Birthday, Message, Comment notifications

Friends and Groups

Music, Backgrounds, Borders - virtually everything about the personal profile/main user page is customizable
Reply:It sees like xanga is going to be forgotten. Myspace has more than half of the social-networking business. I myself had a xanga but I don't have anything on it cuz I'm on my space ALL THE TIME!!! and every body else.
Reply:Like many one-time commercially viable products, no matter how good, sooner or later something better comes along. Unless there are constant improvements and enhancements OR adequate promotion OR if it's so good that it doesn't need either, it certainly can fall by the wayside and be forgotten.
Reply:Xanga has basically been forgotten by everyone here. It's so sad. I love my xanga. It's so fun to mess with. I cannot have myspace due to like it's dangers or something? I don't know. No one else seems to have the same outlook on xanga and other sites compared to myspace and facebook. Facebook is pretty fun. but even there it's not much of a blogging thing. I love blogging. I think eventually it will be forgotten.

Xanga help?

I just started a xanga and I need as much help as possible so umm can you tell me to do stuff and how to get more subscribtions? I would like to know all about xanga so I can know it more better. Like how to put some special affects and stuff. Also i would like if you tell me if blogthings are free you know from

P.S You can visit my xanga at

P.S.S whoever gives the most info about it gets 10 points!

Xanga help?
Xanga is a blog its like a internet journal. You tell what you did during that day.

You could customize your site like icons, background and cyberpets. Sometimes like me I use xanga for beating my friends who got most content. But our site was banned because the bandwith was too much.

To get more subsciption ask your friends or family to join or subscribe people you don't know. To subscibe go to their site then click "SUBSCRIBE!" some where in the upper left.

To put stuff log in and click look and feel. Then for background in the header click the drop down list and press "insert your own codes" or something like that. To find codes find xanga sites or other page that give you codes for background, icons and etc.

P.s I subscibe to you
Reply:blogs are free that's for sure.. too learn more about xanga styles you must understand HTML codes.. But i will provide you a website that you can copy and paste the codes to your xanga site with all the codes you will need
Reply:to get more subscriptions to your blog, your friends have to subscribe, but to subscribe to others, just go to their xanga and click subscribe. are free, there are also a lot more sites to look at for blog things and html codes and things to make your xanga look awesome! you can visit my xanga if you would like and see what i've done with it. I've done a lot more to my myspace. All you have to do is type in to a search engine, blog effects, blog layouts, blog things, blog quizzes, blog surveys, you should be provided with all the answers you need! If I can help with anything else, feel free to email me.

Xanga question?

i'm starting a xanga site and it made me pick this ugly theme and i figured i'd be able to get rid of it after i put an actual html xanga layout in there but it won't go away. can someone tell me what to do so that the layout i picked out will come up on the public view?

Xanga question?
i would gladly do it for you. I have been using xanga for like 3 years now. if you give me your user and pass, ill put the theme on. and you can change the pass after.

dental clinic

On the new Xanga, how can you use the old method of Xanga instead of Xanga themes?

If you create a new site on Xanga they force you to use Xanga themes if there is a way how can u use the old method of Xanga because on Xanga themes you can't customize your public site you can only customize you private site so if there is a way to create a new site with the old method of Xanga please tell me.

On the new Xanga, how can you use the old method of Xanga instead of Xanga themes?
i don't like those themes either . what i do is i don't click on anything i just click the sign on top left side . and by clicking this you are brought to the home page %26amp; you won't have to see that theme page again .

click this for some visualizing hehe...


but if you want to keep your site name and just want to get rid of the theme there is a way .

go to your private site .

then below the box with all the links like new weblog entry , public preivew and so on .

it says :


This is your private start page on Xanga. You'll only see this page when you sign in. You can:

look under View Your Site there is a link that looks like this : (edit) - click that

on the left side there is a small white part. %26amp; there is a button thats say delete click that and the theme should be deleted and back to it's old xanga method .

click these for some visualizing hehe...

%26gt;%26gt; 1 .

%26gt;%26gt; 2 .

i have tried it on my site and it worked %26amp; i hope it works for you . i hope it not confusing .

Facebook, myspace, xanga, blog sites changing?

Four years ago I created a xanga page. it was my first blog site I guess. Four years ago most of my friends were on xanga and now they don't. No one I know is on xanga anymore,, it's like xanga died. I sometimes visit those pages to see what we used to say to each other. Then about a year after I switched to a different site called MySpace. I still use it, but it's not as popular as it used to be. and now, facebook - everyone uses it. as blog sites get better, everything around us changes? why?

Facebook, myspace, xanga, blog sites changing?
Is the most popular band from five years ago still the most popular band today? Most popular television show? Clothing style? Of course not. Things change; it's just the way the world works.
Reply:Well for one MySpace is still a lot more popular than facebook. And it's only natural for things to change in general but especially when something gets better. people get bored, people like new things.

Xanga themes?

I just signed for Xanga and I wanted to customize my xanga public site with an html based theme of my choice...Can you do that or are you stuck to using just the themes they offer you at

Xanga themes?
You can do that, I don't use Xanga themes...I just use the layouts I've created. But Xanga has it's own HTML. It doesn't use Myspace or whatever. Search around Xanga for some layout sites and use the ones on there, or you can go to a tutorial site and use their layout.

Xanga look & feel?

I entered a HTML code into my look %26amp; feel section on Xanga,

I previewed it and it came up as I wanted,

I saved,

then went into the public preview and it showed it up as the new Xanga Theme which I had set previously.

I dont want xanga themes, how can I change it so that it shows the HTML not the xanga theme?


Xanga look %26amp; feel?
Xanga is still around?


procelain veneers

Xanga Question...?

ok so i want to put a layout on my xanga site... but i just got a xanga and i can't find the look %26amp; feel button or whatever... i just need to know step by step instructions where i can paste a layout i got from another xanga site to put on my Xanga so it doesn't look gay with all the weird "themes". ASAP, PLEASE!!!!

Xanga Question...?
Since Xanga did update its site, it is easier to find the look and feel button. First, you need to copy the code you got from the layout site then just click "Edit Look And Feel" when you enter your site afterwards...

Go to the "Header" Section %26gt;%26gt; Click on the arrow next to the scroll down bar and click "Input Your Own Header HTML" %26gt;%26gt; Right click the empty white box and click "Paste" %26gt;%26gt; Scroll down the page and click save

That's as simple as it gets...

Who Misses Xanga?!?

Ok, so i know Xanga probably isn't everyone's favorite social network, and there were times it just annoyed you to the point of insanity...but for those people who have used Xanga in the past, but then got sucked over to Myspace and you miss Xanga and wish friends would start writing on there again? I personally have been a long-time Xanga user, since April 21st of 2004 to be exact, and have just recently started writing on mine again. Do you think Myspace is overrated, and Xanga should be given another chance? I kinda miss all my friends being over there and getting feedback for my entries. Before this huge Myspace and Facebook epidemic, Xanga was kinda fun! just looking for opinions and thoughts...

Who Misses Xanga?!?
i never had one.
Reply:Xanga was awesome and I miss it.

People that same it was lame and that you "couldn't control it" were obviously too stupid to know how it works.

You can manipulate just about as much as you can on Myspace. Report It

Reply:myspace's better. more privicay, upload albulms, and has blogs.
Reply:gno it was lame and u didnt have control over it ! go facebook and myspace
Reply:Personally i still have mine! i dont write in it as much as i used to BUT i have never written a myspace blog.

i dont miss xanga, cuz ill never give it up!
Reply:I remember xanga! that was my first online community thing now I have facebook. yeah i miss it it was cool and different from the other things out now, its definitely underrated
Reply:Yeah, Xanga was great.. Better than this Facebook stuff - too much privacy. Haven't tried MySpace, don't think I will, either..

It was great while it lasted..
Reply:xanga lost its touch when myspace happened cause myspace has more stuff you can do

yeah, i miss xanga.
Reply:..nope, not really. there's not as much to do. you write what you're doing, what you've done...but myspace has blogs. xanga doesn't go in depth about your personality at all. and you can't upload albums, only one default picture. boring.
Reply:i still have one :]]]]]]

it's amazing, screww everyone else!!

on myspace - i have one - you can't put a kazillion blogs unless you hide them, so i use xanga for my kazillion blogs, and myspace to chizzat with friends :]
Reply:no,i dont.
Reply:myspacee iss better !
Reply:I DO miss Xanga! Where I live, there was a Facebook epidemic, in fact, I use Facebook almost every day, but I still have my Xanga and do stuff on it sometimes. I have two or three other friends like me that sometimes use their's as well.

Personally, I don't see the appeal of MySpace, it's overly confusing for me and hard to navigate. But anyway. Yeah, I miss Xanga.
Reply:I sort of do miss it. But nobody I knew had it in the first place. But all the people that I talked to just kinda stopped logging in and so did I. I don't use it as much now.
Reply:Xanga SUCKS and nobody has one!

I got on mine today and absolutely nobody I know has one.
Reply:agreed. i was one of the people who had xanga but got sucked to myspace and eventually facebook. i forgot my xanga site and ditched my myspace. now im using facebook. to be honest, i sort of miss the times my friends used xanga and obsessed over e props lol
Reply:Xanga was all right. I like LJ better. Myspace is ghetto. Facebook is better than myspace, but unfortunately I hate their tiny print.
Reply:xanga was fun and i did have it before facebook and myspace. the only thing about it that i thought it lacked was the overall content. i think facebook and myspace did a great job combining many different sides of you in their website than just the writing aspect. for people who love to write, xanga was mecca! i dont use it anymore but i have checked it lately.
Reply:i still use xanga although most of my friends don't anymore. so now, it's something i can do privately, like a private journal that's still read by some of my friends.

i like it better now that it's not so popular. it feels more secure and homely. =)

and one in a while, i get a feedback from a friend cause most people still subscribe to the subscription. they just don't write there anymore.

i don't "miss" it cause i like it better when it's more private/small.
Reply:i dont really miss xanga too much. i used to get on there everyday and just write about everything i did that day and it got boring. but sometimes i go back to my xanga page and read everything i wrote and it brings back it was all worth it somehow.


have any good xanga layout sites??? i need some please.

Reply:XANGA! It's free, easy, and fast! What's not to like?
Reply:Why not sign up for a free hosting account and use WordPress instead? You will easily find wordpress themes by searching Yahoo or Google.

You can get a list of free webhosts from . You will need a web host with PHP and MySQL. :)
Reply:I am personally a fan of making my own backgrounds, etc. to personalize my page even further. You should try it sometime, and check out my page for ideas!


ok so yano tht site(((xanga)))) is tht just full of emos and anorexic ppl???cause well i was told it was and iknow my friend has a page on it but i cnt find her and i dont know if i should worry???plz answer

go to to see if you can find her
Reply:idk i have xanga

but no-one i know uses it and it does seem that alot of wierdo's anorexics and emo's use it! :|

Wierd and also i wouldnt worry because i am none of the above but i have it (don't use it though)

Yeh in agreement - Myspace is so much better !

Reply:get myspace its way better



in your xanga, is there a way to get a music video like on your profile page?

Go to or find your song and scroll down to sopy the code. then put the code into your site and there you go!
Reply:There is a video site assosiated with xanga - Also, see - If you need music codes on your xanga profile page. To get music codes on your xanga; just copy %26amp; paste the music code into your look %26amp; feel section under music column.then just type in the url there!!! Report It

Reply:try embedding a youtube video while in the editing section.
Reply:yeah, just yahoo/google "music video codes" and they'll gice you a site with a whole bunch of them.
Reply:xanga sucks. and why is this in the myspace section???????????


How do I put a song on my xanga?? I Don't want a VIDEO, I just want a song that plays when people are on my site.

Also......What are some sites where I can find songs to put on there???



the have any songs u want, and it provides the codes that u need
Reply:I dunno
Reply:when your in xanga search music galore...i dont think it has as much videos as much as songs...well do a xanga search on music and im sure you sitll come up some music xangas
Reply:o that. u need a code to embed the song into the xanga itself. this is where it gets tricky. there are many ways to add music whether it be xtml (i think), html, or whatever. go research it

here's the code 4 mine. (u don't want to use it. delete the sites and names and stuff and add your own. don't delete anything else or it messes it up. and add your url in the " and so"

%26lt;object id="darkplayer" codeBase=" type="application/x-oleobject" height="0" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." width="0" classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0...

%26lt;param NAME VALUE%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="0"%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="0"%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="0"%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="DefaultFrame" VALUE="Slide"%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="Autostart" VALUE="1"%26gt;

%26lt;param NAME="Loop" VALUE="True"%26gt;


%26lt;form name="form"%26gt;

%26lt;select style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; BACKGROUND:# B3D98C; WIDTH: 150; COLOR: # 1FAD66; font-face: ariel; height:174" name="playlist" size="1"%26gt;

%26lt;option value="0"%26gt;Heart of Sword%26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option value="1"%26gt; Her Most Beautiful Smile %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option value="2"%26gt; Sobakasu %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option value="3"%26gt; Every Heart %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option value="4"%26gt; Hiten-Mitsurugi-ryu %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option value="5"%26gt; Taiwanese radio %26lt;/option%26gt;


%26lt;input TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="darkplay" VALUE="play" OnClick="play(document.forms['form'].pla...

%26lt;input TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="darkpause" VALUE="pause" OnClick="document.darkplayer.pause(); playstate=2;"%26gt;

%26lt;input TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="darkstop" VALUE="stop" OnClick="document.darkplayer.stop(); playstate=2;"%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;


%26lt;script language="JavaScript"%26gt;


var playstate = 1;

shuffle = 1; // set to 0 to always play first song in list

// set to 1 to randomly choose the first song to play


// unlimited songs, just copy and paste the song line and change the number

songs=new Array(55);







if (shuffle == 1) {

var randsg = Math.floor(Math.random()*songs.length);

document.darkplayer.FileName = songs[randsg];

document.darkplayer.scr = songs[randsg];

document.forms['form'].playlist.option... = true;


function play(list) {

if (playstate == 2) {


} else {

var snum = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value

document.darkplayer.FileName = songs[snum];

document.darkplayer.scr = songs[snum];


playstate = 1;




this thing makes a little bar with multiple songs in your header. viewers can just pick what they want


how do u delete an xanga?

Here you go.
Reply:delete everything off of it any it isent recognized.

wait like a week after you clear it


So I just joined the site...and I'm clueless as to how to navigate it. Can someone explain the basic idea of Xanga and explain to me how to get going?

Get a layout, make friends, join groups..that's what I can remember. Just experiment!

xanga is old though, i remember when in like 7Th and 8Th grade that was the rage now its myspace or facebook!
Reply:no one uses xanaga any more

its all about facebook nowadays
Reply:Maybe you should try Yuniti ( ) - it's new, and super easy to use.
Reply:I dont know what Xanga is.

family dentists


what is it? whenever i look for layouts it says "awesome myspace/xanga layout!!!" does anyone have a xanga and if so, do your friends use it?

P.S. forgive the excess "?" [must be 10 characters...]

Yep, I have one, or like, seven. It's like myspace except because not as many people have it you don't have the rape/murder problem. It does everything that myspace does, and after a while you'd be surprised to see how many people have one.

-you can make friends, subscriptions

-discover layout designing and background music

-upload and insert pictures, make blog entries

-get ad blockers

-discover additional playlist use at ""

after you play around with it for a while you can find ways to make your own xanga a little more unique and change buttons to say whatever you want them to say. for more information, if you're good with HTML, i'd suggest reading some of the code from some of the layouts from "" and you'll see that they don't have buttons named "look and feel" and "my subscriptions". they got fancy. i've seen others do the same.
Reply:its an online journal... gayy.. journals are supposed to be personal
Reply:I had one pre myspace, but I really didn't understand it. Basiclly, I think that it's supposed to be a journal or blog-type layout, and your friends or various others can view it and comment on it.

i hate Xanga
Reply:No!!!!!! We totally don't!!!!!! Because it is mostly thirteen year old girls!!!!! who can't spell!!!!!
Reply:its like a blog, online journal thing.

go to

my friends used to use it but then we deleted them and went to myspace and then to facebook and then to..jk thats all.


does anyone know what fonts these are written in,...please name them all



bold letters are impact

Others that are curvy could be Freestyle Script or Mistral.


and the big bold letters I know are impact

but the others that look curvy I'm not sure..


How private and personal is Xanga, really? I have mine set up as a friend-only viewing system. can anyone from the internet, or somebody who is not my friend on xanga, view my site? If so, what should i do to keep it safe? i dont post any pix or anything...but doesnt anyone know the real truth about what you write on your xanga? thanks so much!

I used to have a xanga and I put up private posts, but I have a friend that is rather handy with computers and he could see my private posts through the RSS Feeds even though he should not have been able to. So nothing is perfectly safe, but for the most part it should be okay, but there is always a way around something.
Reply:Wait how is that possible that people can view your posts through the RSS Feeds?? I mean that's a complete invaison of privacy and it's just rude for someone to do such a thing! By the by, great answer! Report It