Thursday, November 19, 2009

How do youcustomize your Xanga?

How do you customize ur xanga? like put videos and pictures that arent already on your computer. for ex: i want to -put some stuff off youtbe on my xanga but its knot working so if you could give me like a site for this stuff it would be helpfull. thanks

How do youcustomize your Xanga?
well you would probably upload it through a blog, or go to your setting and looks and feels and go to the very bottom,. they should allow you to put in tests and quizzes, icons, videos., etc.
Reply:you have to put your picture card into the computer and then you download the pictures on your xanga its really easy! or you can copy and paste them

Myspace, xanga,or 360?

Which do you us the most? I us myspace everyday as well as 360.

360 u can link it

Myspace, xanga,or 360?
myspace rox hardcore because it allows for html, music and is just more original. everyone is there, too. my mom is on there, my grandma. people i went to school with. xanga is boring. i use 360 to blog. what about hi5? it sux, too. but it is more international and i meet my uk peeps there.
Reply:myspace!!! xanga is boring, yahoo 360 is weird. myspace has tons to do.
Reply:MYspace all the way like duH!!
Reply:uhm well yes. i would really prefer myspace =] its sweet.

request me!!

Does 360yahoo work as xanga?

i have a xanga

and i find that 360yahoo is becoming very popular

i would like to know what it is.

does it have the same funtions as xanga?

what are the differences?

also, which is more popular in uk?

Does 360yahoo work as xanga?
Yahoo 360 is basically like Xanga. It's a profile page/blog just like Xanga is. On Yahoo 360 you can make THAT profile your default profile for Yahoo instead of using the OLD Yahoo profile. I'm not sure which one is more popular in the UK but I do know that there are alot of people from the UK that have a Yahoo 360 page. I know that the UK version of Yahoo 360 has a few more options in it than the US version does.


Ah XANGA help?

how do i put an icon on xanga? where do i put it, and anything else i should know?

Ah XANGA help?
you can find icons at my site xflippiniconsx (on xanga)

you can put them newhere, like in your blogs or wahtnot...if your talking about a display pic u can pic from the sidebar on ur homepage.

if u have further questions u can comment me there or whaever

How do I view xanga [which is blocked] from a school computer?

I want to view and/or from a school computer, but most proxy sites are blocked. I can't figure out a site that isnt blocked that I can use to get to xanga or myspace. Could someone help me get to these websites?

How do I view xanga [which is blocked] from a school computer?
Reply:No. Why do you think they are blocked? Someone is protecting you. Now go do your homework.
Reply:access them from home

How do you put xanga layouts on xanga?

i just remade an xanga.and like everything is set up so different i havent been on in 2 do i put a layout on it?

How do you put xanga layouts on xanga?
go on the look%26amp;feel thing. I don't know I haven't had one in years.

Has anyone heard of xanga or has a xanga site?

if anyone has a xanga site, can we become friends on it, I just created one and I am looking for some good friends

Has anyone heard of xanga or has a xanga site?

Xanga offers both a free service (Classic) and a paid service (Premium and Premium Plus). All Xanga accounts are accessible via the username feature. One popular aspect of Xanga is the ability to customize the appearance of one's journal. Included with their free service is a basic layout formatter that allows non-HTML literate users to change their journal's layout and style, including colors and border styles. Those who do know HTML are able to include their own code within the page, allowing customization beyond what the basic layout system supports. Many other websites supply premade HTML "layouts" for Xangans to copy and paste into their "custom headers" or "webstats". In addition, Xanga offers a paid premium service offering many extra features.



Classic users can have a maximum of three profile pictures, which are displayed next to their posts and comments, and maintained in their photoblogs. If a user decides to pay for the Premium service, the amount of user profile pictures are upped to ninety-nine. Xanga also offers over 200 MB of free space to upload pictures, with additional picture storage space available to Premium users.



In addition to comments, Xanga allows users to add eProps to encourage some users to post more. Usually, those who write what is considered interesting content build a large fan base behind them and thus accumulate more eProps. See also Xanga's explanation of an eProp.

By default, you automatically give out 2 eProps with the first comment you make on a new weblog entry unless you specify otherwise. Because of this, most users of Xanga don't bother to worry about eProps and instead just focus on the comments. Commenting again on the same post does not produce more eProps, and neither does commenting on one's own post. For this reason eProps are usually used as a gauge of how many different unique users have commented on a post.

The most commented and ePropped post ever, as of April 24, 2006, appears to be John's Comment Update post of June 18, 2005 with a total of 18,626 comments and 28,094 eProps.



Subscriptions allow Xangans to stay up-to-date on other Xangas to whom they're "subscribed," and bring the latest blogs from selected Xangas to the user without having the user manually visit each site.

Subscriptions were originally called "Sites I Read," so some older users sometimes refer to them as "SIR" as in I SIRed a steak.

Subscriptions can also send your friends' posts to your e-mail. Some people have more than one site and have used a different e-mail address for each one, so if you have subscribed to the friend on one of your other sites with an e-mail address you do not check, you will not be able to get the subscriptions.


Privacy Options

Any Xangan can utilize a blocking feature to block other specifically-designated Xanga members from posting comments on his/her blog. This feature is often invoked as a response to offensive commenting behavior. There is also a feature called "Protected Posting" which makes it so that entries designated as "Protected" can only be viewed by Xanga members that are added by the blogger to his/her own protected list. (The Xanga Classic protected list can hold only up to 10 members; you must obtain Xanga Premium in order to get an unlimited list.) In addition, users may enable a xanga lock, which prevents non-xanga users from viewing a site. If a casual web browser who was not logged in to a xanga wished to view someone's xanga, he or she would first have to log in to a registered account, or else he or she would only see a page indicating that that user has chosen to "lock" their xanga.



A Blogring connects a circle of Weblogs with a common focus or theme. All Xanga users are given the ability to create a new blogring or join an existing one. Blogrings are searchable by topic. A list of blogrings that the user is associated with appears in a module typically on the left side of the website. Each user is allowed a maximum of 8 blogrings.



A metro is a social networking feature that provides an indication of the geographic area where Xanga members live. Xanga limit metros to large metropolitan areas. If you visit a metro, you can see a list of metro members who have updated recently. If you click of their names (or pictures), you will be sent to their site. Some Xangans leave comments on the sites of other Xangans in their metro whom they would like to get to know better.


Xanga Premium

Xanga also offers pay services called Xanga Premium and Premium Plus. Members who subscribe to either service receive additional features, including additional photo storage and monthly uploads. The Premium plan provides 2 GB of photo storage and 100 MB of monthly uploads while the Premium Plus plan provides unlimited photo storage and 1GB of monthly uploads. Premium members may also fully customize their site using skins, post entries to their site via electronic mail, and download archives of their entries. Pages of Premium members also do not contain web banners. Some other Premium features include: a higher limit on profile pictures, a custom sidebar, and specialized page skins. [2]


Xanga Skins

A Skin is a CSS stylesheet paired with HTML and Xanga's own language. Xanga Premium allows for complete customization of a user's page; Classic users have more restrictions because of users attempting to remove the leaderboard ad. Xanga Premium skins are referred to as "skins," while Classic templates are referred to as "layouts," but are oftentimes mixed up with Premium skins. There is a specific page for adding skins, and many inexperienced users mistake this for the "Custom Header" and "Website Stats" for which Classic users only have access to. Xanga Premium skins and Xanga layouts cannot be interchanged without prior editing.



In recent years, there have been a large upspring of Xanga related communities that specialize in contributions by layout designers, and (formerly being the two biggest. Submitting to either one of the above sites exposes users to constructive criticism from other experienced users. There have also been banding of guilds, more commonly called "collaborations," where veteraned designers form a team to create layouts using each one's specialty. These collaborations involve small-scale message boards where they can recieve feedback and a server host to host peripherals such as banners and music.

Aside from layouts, Xanga users have access to almost unlimited capabilities. This has determined the devout in Xanga, since the start of MySpace and other blog/profile sites. Xanga Classic users can use all HTML properties, only excepting the %26lt;META%26gt; tag, which Xanga banned in 2004 for being associated with advertisment removing. %26lt;META%26gt; tags is one of the tags that page trasitions can be made from. At the time of the ban, page transitions were at the peak of popularity. The most controversial among the user community is the use of an HTML encoder. Since most Xanga users are Classic users, they feel that all scripts should be public domain. Xanga is one of the few blog/profile sites that allows the encoding property to work. The encoding property is not bound by Xanga's Javascript blocks, so a user may encode a %26lt;META%26gt; tag and place the encoded script into his/her blog and "trick" Xanga into thinking that it is a safe script. Thus being said, Xanga blogs have an infinite number of customizations, and has led to a sense of uniqueness within the community.


Innappropriate Usage

Even though Xanga provides positive interaction between millions of users, inappropriate use of user blogs remains a large problem for the Xanga administration.

Many of the users of the site use their blogs to post inappropriate pictures. These pictures could range from child pornography to pictures of the deceased.

In addition, there have been many sites created for the sole purpose of expressing dislike or animosity towards others. These types of sites tend to attract retaliation in the form of negative or offensive comments, promoting hate-speak within Xanga. The Xanga Team has attempted to close such "hate sites" down, along with restricting other users who they feel misuse the Xanga environment.

Although it is briefly mentioned in its About page, many users play copyrighted material without permission. This has not sparked investigation by the RIAA yet, but widespread playing of music can end this. It is stated on copyrighted material that "distribution" is also not allowed without permission; there are a slew of Xanga users who specialize in finding uploaded audio other users may hotlink to.

Some users who have mastered basic HTML and CSS create more advanced and eye-pleasing templates for other users who are less apt. These users are called "designers" or "layout coders." A problem Xanga not yet solved is copyrighting of images. The mass of designers use a generic search engine (such as Google Image Search) to find a picture of the defined theme (such as video games, music artists, atheletes, etc) and merely add text or other embellishments. The designers then stamp the image (banners, backgrounds, avatars) as their own copyrighted image. When other users copy designers' images and claim theim as their own, these users are called "jockers" adapted from the word "hijack." The confrontation oftentimes involves flaming. Xanga has not commented on the subject because layout designers are the actual copyright infringers, but they add the visual appeal to Xanga.

The Xanga team has also been making other more recent efforts to fix the above problems.
Reply:sure. Report It

Reply:super sexy gave you a super answer

go on this
Reply:sure wat is urs mine is maybe you can comment or something and i have a chatter box
Reply:sure i will email me at
Reply:heard of it anyway
Reply:Here it is
Reply:what is a xanga site

dental clinic

A xanga question...?

i have a xanga account and am wondering how to delete it. please answer soon!

A xanga question...?

This is the help page to

It tells you how to delete your account
Reply:go to account settings %26gt;%26gt;

on the left side there is a blue boxed module title account setting with a bunch of links.

the link you click is the link that says Shut Down Account ( the last one )

or to make it super easy on you just click here ---%26gt;%26gt;

i hope this helps !

Does anyone have an xanga?

i have an xanga but i cant find any good layouts. i would like layouts featuring any of the following bands:

-hawthorne heights

-panic! at the disco


-fall out boy

-from first to last

or you have an xanga of any kind, tell me what it is and i'll check it out.

mine is xpens_and_needlesx

Does anyone have an xanga?
Yeah, I have a xanga...I don't use it as much, but I do use it to keep in touch with certain people..Anyway here's some of the layouts you asked for. They're in the sources list. I'll tell you which ones are which.

First is Fall Out Boy, second is AFI, third is From First to Last.
Reply:I've got a Xanga... Try for Xanga Layouts...
Reply:xanga kinda sucks now that MySpace is so popular, go check it out -
Reply:i dont hav xanga but mi fren does its she knos sum reli kewl places 2 get ur layoutz!!!

Multiple Xanga Sites?

Is it possible to create multiple xanga sites with one username? If so, how do you do it?

Multiple Xanga Sites?
no. u cant create more then one xanga site with the same username. they'll only allow u to use different usernames

Is Xanga good?

I just got a Xanga now and I was wondering if it was good? If you like and and want to visit my blog it's horrorfreak511! You should see my pictures its really cool!

Is Xanga good?
Yeah, That's Okay, Just Like Myspace and Hi-5

procelain veneers

If you know about xanga?

does xanga not exsist anymore or something? i keep trying to go to it but it won't let me...that's where i used to get all my graphics and quotes for myspace and stuff, so if xanga's gone does anyone know where i can get cute graphics and quotes?

If you know about xanga?
If I'm not mistaken, Xanga had a very bad virus and has shut down. Try going to:

Just type in a key word of anything you are looking for. They have alot of stuff on there and with myspace codes. Hope that helps!
Reply:Xanga is working fine for me.... Maybe there was a problem and it was down for repairs for the time being I dunno...
Reply:i create graphics and myspace layouts, what kind of graphics are you looking for? i normally sell them on ebay, but i'll make omething for you for free.

xoxo vixen
Reply:xanga's still there. i thinks its down for the day or something.

Is Xanga site down?

Xanga's not working for me. Am I the only one?

Is Xanga site down?
its not working for me either..

its down currently
Reply:It's down. Which really stinks. It's my most updated journal I'm keeping and it's DOWN!?!?!?! GR!!!! Sigh.
Reply:I am currently unable to connect to as well.

Usually when I have a problem like this, I also check it via a few other sites such as and BableFish Translate.

If they return errors I am usually certian that the site is down for others and not a local problem. is currently offline for maintenance. They will be back soon!
Reply:Just for the day. It should work tomorrow.
Reply:It has been working for me...i wonder why you'res isn't working.
Reply:When I tried to go to the site, the Xanga logo poped up and message " is currently offline for maintenance. We will be back soon!" came up, so I think so.

Add xanga blog to feeds?

how to add xanga blog to my yahoo 360 feed? i cant seem to get it work. yahoo kept sending error message said fail to add feed or so. help.

Add xanga blog to feeds?
you can't.

Is xanga and matmice for 10 to 13 years of age?

I was wondering for my child if matmice and xanga is for there age one is 10 and the other is 12?

Is xanga and matmice for 10 to 13 years of age?
well xanga isnt used anymore, myspace is. but xanga is for 13+ if you wanted to know.


Cant get into my xanga site!?

if i click private or return to site i get

Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

Please check the URL for proper spelling. You may also try a Xanga Search to find what you're looking for.

» Return to Previous Page

» Return to Xanga Frontpage

wth happened?!

Cant get into my xanga site!?
Try asking the Xanga help team.
Reply:it's happening to me also.



myspace recently took over xanga as the more visited website, however myspace doesn't have the blog-centric focus that xanga does. if you want to blog, go for xanga. if you want to meet and casual chat with people, myspace is the place to be. blackplanet is pretty much dead.
Reply:In my school, no one likes myspace anymore and if you dont have an xanga, you aren't "cool" i am addicted to it!
Reply:I don't know, but you might want to stay away from all capital letters. Some people think that this is rude.

Are Xanga MP3 links available?

I want to put music on my Xanga site. The thing is, I can't find a site with an mp3 file for the song I want (Echelon- by 30 Seconds to Mars). Anyone know where I could find a link?

Are Xanga MP3 links available?
yep but u have to backdoor it...

go to view --%26gt; source

press ctrl+f

type in "mp3" in the find box

copy the link (should be inside " ")

go to google and paste the link and press search

right click -%26gt; save as


or you can look at temp internet files, but that also depends on how big the folder is and if there are many big files near it. (makes it harder to find)

Is xanga better or myspace?

jus curious, i like myspace and xanga is juss aighhh, how about u?

Is xanga better or myspace?
haha myspace is so much better because no one goes on xanga
Reply:Definitely MySpace.

MUCH better!
Reply:myspace. no one uses xanga anymore
Reply:I like myspace.
Reply:All my friends use xanga, so I like xanga better.
Reply:myspace but some get to cluttered
Reply:i used 2 use xanga..but myspace seems mo cooler cuz its mad diverse n not onli azns (evn tho i dont use ms)

family dentists

How to make a xanga Layout?!?

If you know how to make a xanga layout please tell me how or like give me a site where u learned how to make a xanga layout by!

How to make a xanga Layout?!?
Here are two sites I know of and have used:

Anyone still have an Xanga?

I used to have a Facebook, Myspace, and Xanga at the same time, but I soon realized that I was on Facebook more often than either of the others.

No one I know uses Xanga anymore, so I was wondering if there is anyone who still uses it. (and by use it I mean update once in a while)

Anyone still have an Xanga?
I was really about to ask this question myself. I got xanga first, then Myspace, then facebook. I hated my high school so I don’t use facebook that much. Myspace is getting faker and more shallow by the second. And I went to other blog spaces trying to redo what I didn’t on xanga, but it didn’t work. So it’s been like a year or so, and I’m back on xanga. It’s less chaotic to me. Too many guys were harassing me on Myspace… I kept getting messages with pics of naked dudes…. and girls so I left. I told my friends I’m going back to xanga and one actually made the move with me. I got rid of my old xanga, and opened a new one.
Reply:me..i do
Reply:I do.

I use Myspace for my friends who have Myspace and Xanga for my friends who refuse to use Myspace for anti-corporate reasons. Don't see the point in Facebook when everyone I know is on one or the other.

I use them regularly

Is Xanga not cool anymore?

maybe it's just my school...but it seems like everyone and their brother have gone to myspace or some other site...and it's like xanga just all of a sudden one day, wasn't cool anymore. is it like that everywhere?

Is Xanga not cool anymore?
xanga was never cool.
Reply:I don't know... I still like xanga.

But now it's all, myspace this myspace that.

Okay, I admit I have a myspace myself, but I honestly could live without it...

I think you should try to bring it back. If you have a friend that has neither, get them to get a xanga instead of a myspace or something like that...



I need help with Xanga?

IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT XANGA IS PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER.or i will probably report you.

Ok so I got a new layout for my xanga but I dont like it and I want to change it. But I cant because the layout does not have a Claf button or look %26amp; feel button! what do I do?

I need help with Xanga?
ok. all you have to do is go to someone elses, mine...(go ahead and use it....) . at the little black letters (right underneath the thing that says "im an addict for....") have a link to go to your personal look and feel. it looks like "l %26amp; f". i hope this helps!

emergency dentist

Whats a place like xanga that's ok for kids to join?

I tried to join xanga, but it wouldn't let me...I know a kid that wants to join something like that, but xanga wouldn't let

Whats a place like xanga that's ok for kids to join?
Well I want to know the same thing you can do neopets guilds. They are kinda the same.
Reply:there is this site that only allows children under 13 enter, but i forgot the name.if i remember ill give it to you as soon as i can
Reply:well, you can always use xanga, just change the year to your birthday so it says you are Thirteen.

If i were to change my xanga username?

you know how xanga gives you the option now if you earn enough credits you can change your username...would anyone know hwo that worked? would my entries be the same, or would i have to start all over? would the url to my old account be redirected, or what?

If i were to change my xanga username?
It should all be changed for you. It's not like you'd be creating a whole new account.


What happened to

does anyone here know what happened to

yesterday, it was OK, now, as I click many links of xanga,

it says http error not found!

What happened to
wow i didnt know ppl still use that
Reply:i have no idea sorry wish that i could help
Reply:Maybe they're working on the site.
Reply:Xanga is temporarily down for the day, doing some maintenance, should be back up by tomorrow. Does this once a year.
Reply:I was just wondering the same thing. When I type in like I always do, it says site not found. And when I search for xanga, websites come up, but nothing works.

I did a search for "What happened to xanga?" as well. Came up with a bunch of posts back in August of 2003. But if this happens every year, I can stop having a heart attack.
Reply:It only went off 4 a day its back on now cos im making some layouts for my site as we speak lol hope this helps xxx
Reply:maybe it got canceled cause my big sis used 2 have 1 then her %26amp; (almost) every1 else swiched 2 my space. they probably either shut it down because like no 1 used it or there're working on it. hope i helped a little!!!!!! :D

Remove ad on xanga?

I was wondering how to remove the ad on top of my xanga site without having to go to xanga premium?

Remove ad on xanga?
You can't remove it. If you don't want the ads then upgrade your account. The ad is what allows you to use it for free anyhow.

Any1 with a xanga, help!!!?

soooo i have a xanga sight but im confused all my friends have this thing on the side either right or left [ wat other side is there?] and its says "dates" and "goals" and other stuff and they have there dates and goals under it, but i cant seem to find anywere to put taht in my look and feel or my edit profile or anywere else i can look!!!!

sooo if u could tell me how u get it or were or watevs it would be much apreciated and if u have and URL's to good layout sights for xanga that would give u more brownie points!

Any1 with a xanga, help!!!?
the layout site i really like is

i like their " very special layouts" section

The question about

Hi guys,

what languages i will use to design my xanga site? html css or java? how can i design a beautiful site but without premium?

i feel so confused about xanga. i can't pay for it but i wanna have a beautiful site for my blog. what can i do?


The question about
I dont know the specifics of the premium but if I were you I would use HTML CSS to make your site. You can still make beautiful and awesome sites with html css. Java is just too slow and buggy.

bad breath

Profile making on xanga?

ok, i like to make profiles on aim, and i wanted to start an xanga bloggoring on them. 1 problem. how? all i know is how to make profiles on if anyone can please tell me how to get my profiles onto xanga i would sooo appriciate it!!!


Profile making on xanga?
You have to use HTML. otherwise it probably won't work. It's hard to explain on here, but if you know how to use HTML you can do that. Otherwise download 5.9 AIM, make ur aim profile, go to my computer and click aim and click the folder that says your s/n or random letters, click on you s/n and it should have a thing that says info and then right click say open with notepad.

there's your html code for your xanga!
Reply:i have aol and i have no idea how to do that, but first thing is to do is go to the help section and try you quesiton there

This is for who ever has xanga!!!?

i just want you to check out my xanga at i like it and you might but sign my guest book and tell me if you like it and please tell me wut is good and what is not good about it but sign my guest book and please watch all tha movies that are on it there is a clip of tha begining of scary movie 4 you might like it just sign my guest book on it and tell me if it is good or bad about it what liked and waht you did not like about it or you liked the whole thing and whatr you didnot like i can hook any one up if thay need good layouts tell me while you are signing my guestbook remember my thang is please sing my guest book later!!!

This is for who ever has xanga!!!?
I don't have a Xanga, i just answered because i like your name.

Should I blog at Live Journal, Xanga, or somewhere else? Help!?

I'm looking for a place where I can add background music and stuff. I'm not allowed to have a myspace. So I'm having trouble picking between Live Journal and Xanga. Or you know something that would be better for me, perhaps? idk....please help me out lol. I'm going crazy.........

Should I blog at Live Journal, Xanga, or somewhere else? Help!?
i have a facebook and they let you have music on there but not playing in the backround and you can't make you own backround either.....if i were you i would get a xanga......don't get me wrong facebook is fun but probably not what ur looking for
Reply:live journal is pretty good, but my first recommendation would be facebook. its way more popular and the features are better....good luck bloggin!!!!
Reply:i used hi5 and i like' can post music,photos and others
Reply:I use


easy + straight foward.

Have you thought about facebook?



I just got It I am trying to look for some friends 4 it. that like screamo/punk/emo/metal Type stuff or if you dont thats todally cool. My xanga is Can you tell me yours??

i do.but im not that type.
Reply:i had it once, its a pretty bad rash , but with medicine it goes away in couple of weeks ,,good luck


My daughter's account has been hacked by one of her "friends". How do we change this?

My daughter is a member of the young blog website One of her supposed friends got the password, hacked into it, wrote some nasty things for all her classmates to see. Problem is, no effort to reach Xanga on any level has been responded to. Absolutely nothing. Zippo. Parents beware! We need to get her blogspot taken down or changed but nothing has worked. Any ideas?

My daughter's account has been hacked by one of her "friends". How do we change this?
change password or if it was change she will know bcuz she will get an email
Reply:change your password and email xanga .com telling them to secure her acount
Reply:get her a new account or a new password
Reply:easy. talk to the parents of the kid who did this nasty thing to her. embarrass the crap out of that individual by confronting this problem and describing to her parents what she has done. Itl work. Her parents will squeeze the answers out of her.

Does anyone know of some good xanga alternatives for icons besides livejournal?

My internet provider has blocked Xanga and I found Livejournal a little boring. So if anyone knows of anywhere else I can find Icon makers I would be very happy!

Does anyone know of some good xanga alternatives for icons besides livejournal?
how about making them yourself?

it's not hard to do, and then you don't have to credit others.

Does anyone have xanga?

I have xanga. It is I am a horse LUVER and the 2006 was when my site was made. I don't have any people that commment my site. They aren't allowed to or they don't have computers. Please comment my site. I'm 15. I know I probably sound like I'm 12 but I'm not.

Does anyone have xanga?
Maybe Ill comment you on xanga, could always use more xanga Buddy's especially sense not that many people use it.

Reply:i used to have xanga, but decided i had nothing important to say so i stopped.
Reply:Had a nice young black girl called that once.

Nothing to do with me now though.

Sad that.

Picture stealing on xanga?

how to prevent pic stealing on xanga?

I do know that u have to activate something on your xanga website to prevent people from right-clicking on the pics to save them..

How to??

Picture stealing on xanga?
you cant prevent it just private ur acc,.=)
Reply:Try this code, it should work...

Copy and paste to Header HTML

%26lt;body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" oncontextmenu="return false"%26gt;

local dentist

Does Anyone Want Some Free Xanga Premium?

I have an account called sweetkissez_143 at (I know some people don't like the name) and I just cleared everything.

I stupidly bought premium a while back, but now I'm not using the xanga (pronounced zanga, with a hard g as in guy).

Xanga is a blog site with a lot of features, like photosharing, blogging, commenting, layouts, music, and pretty well organized. I have other priorities, so I can't use it.

I do not wish to waste my money and delete it (no refund). I want someone to actually use it.

Any takers? It's free. =]

Does Anyone Want Some Free Xanga Premium?

Xanga layouts??

I know pretty much how to make an Xanga layout. But I don't know how to make glitter backgrounds, or any other special background. The most I know how to do is put a picture on it. I'd really like to learn more about it, because I'm into layout making. PLEASE HELP!

Also, how do I make text and any other design I want for the layouts?? Do I have to have photoshop for that?? Because I don't know how to use it.

Xanga layouts??
You might find this tutorial helpful:

You could also do a general search for xanga background tutorials and check some of the others out.

For simple editing and design you could use the built-in Paint program in XP and Vista (start %26gt; all programs %26gt; accessories %26gt; paint.) But if you ever need a photoshop type software for editing, there's a couple of free ones that are just about as good.

Reply:Get a free glitter text Generator

Xanga or Facebook?

Which is safer, better, and more fun? Xanga or facebook

Xanga or Facebook?
Xanga's more for blogging and FaceBook's more for talking to your friends.

I vote Xanga though, as FaceBook is so limited!

Reply:facebook kid. all the way
Reply:Facebook used to be, until they flooded it with these stupid applications. I miss my Xanga blog, and I wish I still had it.

Xanga guitar layout or background?

Can someone give me a link to a cool guitar layout or background for

I appreciate it!

Xanga guitar layout or background?


Xanga isn't working?

why isn't working everytime i try to get on?

Xanga isn't working?
Xanga is temporarily down for maintenance
Reply:i miss it :[

Xanga/myspace/facebook substitues?

i've had all 3- they've all been invaded by little middle schoolers that piss me off because they add me and write stupid comments. are there any other types that is kinda like xanga/myspace/facebook but different? i've heard of friendster, live journal but i'm not sure if they're good.. any feedback?

Xanga/myspace/facebook substitues?
I have both Friendster and LiveJournal --

Friendster is like myspace, with bits of Facebook thrown in. You can personalize your page like myspace (put graphics, change up the background, write comments/testimonials, add video and music, post bulletins, have "featured friends" which is like having a Top 6) but it's like Facebook in that you can see when your friends updated their page (whether they got new comments, added photos, added new friends, etc). Other features about Friendster: you can write reviews about movies, tv, or music and make a blog (I like their blog better than myspace blogs).

LiveJournal is I guess like Xanga. I actually like Xanga better 'cuz you can do other things -- LJ doesn't have the audio, pulse, photos (well, I take that back. LJ has photos, but it's accessed differently.) LJ is really just good for blogging, I think. But if you're into the whole social network thing -- stick with myspace or Facebook... or join Friendster. :)
Reply:don't friend them back
Reply:yes. dont accept their requests!!! u dont have to. and if they keep sending you requests then block them or report them. dont change ur life around (well ur internet life lol) b/c of some bratty middle schoolers.

hope that helped %26lt;3

Xanga Layouts?

Do you know of any good Xanga layout sites?

CreateBlog isn't cutting it for me.

Xanga Layouts?
I found one of the websites I used a while back....It works really well

Xanga Layouts?

Where can I find some great celebrity Xanga Layouts

Xanga Layouts?
hii yeah

a blogring for great layouts =D
Reply:cool, I know the guy that created the pg


Xanga helppp!!!!?

k. i just joined xanga %26amp; i don't like the layout i picked,

how do i changed my layout??

Xanga helppp!!!!?
Delete the code to your old layout and copy and paste the code to the new layout you want in the box.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Xanga?can you please help?

i just got a Xanga. i dont like the "layouts" they have there so can you please tell me where to get some GOOD ones. can you also tell me where i put the "code" for my layout?

Xanga?can you please help?
If you have the premium one you can easily change your xanga under the custom module section (click look and feel). If you have the free one, just put it in the header click input your own header html and add the layout you like.

Some good sites are:
Reply:If you go to blogrings and search for Layouts a bunch of stuff will come up, just browse around until you find one you like. There should be instructions on where to put the code on the site you get the layout from

Xanga sayings?

hey girls at my schol have these sating that are all decorated with coo lfonts and stuff they say they get them on xanga but i can't find them! help!

Xanga sayings?
go to

on the top click blogrings.

type in aim profiles.

then there should be some groups.

click one and it will show you some sites.

Xanga Music help?!?

I really need help getting music on my xanga...step by step.

Xanga Music help?!?
go to look and feel..find where it says " music" then click import own or own html.

go to a website any on google codes copy n paste the url into the importy own html. then hit submuit at the bottom. I personally hate doing this cus I always come accross problems. an easier way is to go on google, search Music video codes then find one and copy n paste the code into "new entry" where you would usually type stuff


Xanga Professional WANTED!?

Okay, I need and Xanga expert. I need someone that's good with making Layouts and putting them on their site. Please help!

Xanga Professional WANTED!?
go to yahoo and do the reaseach on the layout

Xanga Layouts?

What is a good website or xanga site that has some good layouts? All I can find are celebrity, band, or movie layouts, which I don't want. Can anyone help me out?

Xanga Layouts?
Hm..if you go to the xanga site, click on blog rings, type in layouts and then go to one of the blogs listed, you should be able to find a bunch of different xanga sites that make layouts.

Xanga quote sites?

DOes anyone know any good quote sites, like on xanga?

Xanga quote sites?
Yah, my friend has a xanga full of quotes. Hers is:

Xanga layouts?

Does anyone know of any sites that have free xanga layouts. Like simply stripes ones and polka dots and stuff? thanks

Xanga layouts?
Reply:just go to google, yahoo etc....then type xanga layouts might have several websites.


Xanga layout question...?

how do i paste/put in a xanga layout????? ASAP please.

Xanga layout question...?
When you're logged in, on the side there's a heading that says "Edit". Click on "Look and Feel". Retype your Xanga password, then go to the heading that says "Header". Click the drop down menu and choose "Input your own heading HTML". Then paste the layout code in the blank box and that's it.

Xanga layouts?

Where can I find the best xanga layouts?

Xanga layouts?
They're best when you make them yourself. =)

Xanga Music?

How can I play a song on my xanga site?

and can anyone give me some good sites that provides musics codes for Kindom Hearts songs?

Xanga Music?

Xanga? myspace?

on like xanga or myspace, when you're writing something, and you write like %26lt;b%26gt; for bold, it makes everything after the %26lt;b%26gt;, bold. How do you just make like one word bold?

Xanga? myspace?
%26lt;b%26gt; word %26lt;/b%26gt;

thats how i do it

or for a sentence

%26lt;b%26gt; sentence goes here %26lt;/b%26gt;

hope i helped

here's more.





XANGA Layouts?

Does anyone know how to make a xanga layout?

If so, please describe the layout of making a

layout and buttons, etc.

Also, if you could tell me how you learned how to make layouts.

XANGA Layouts?
I haven't made any in years- but I remember finding a bunch of tutorials.
Reply:go on xanga and press the tab profiles then type in howtomakelayouts there are the top 2 sites which have starter layout codes u can use xxx Report It

Reply:Well first you need a basic xanga stylesheet. It could be regular, custom, double module, or just one module. Then you need to find a color hex sheet with all the hex codes and use it for decorating the borders, links, and words. I did make some xanga layouts for myself so far. Report It

Xanga help please?!?

ok. so i have a code for a layout on xanga.

where do i enter it?

Xanga help please?!?
Look and feel


click that arrow thing and select input your own header

Paste your code



Xanga help..?

who knows about Xanga? is it bad or anything?? i just got it, i think its pretty cool, but i was wondering aout some things. what is the footprints on there?? what is the others things around the footprints? like in the same area?? please answer this for me :D ttyl

Xanga help..?
i used to have one. I prefer xanga over myspace because its much safer. footprints are the sites of people who visited your xanga site.
Reply:rip off of mysapce

Xanga help?!?

How do you make a scroll bar for an xanga page?

Xanga help?!?
put it in the header section:

%26lt;!-- begin code provided by --%26gt;



scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;

scrollbar-3dlight-color: #999999;

scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff;

scrollbar-face-color: #999999;

scrollbar-track-color: #cccccc;

scrollbar-shadow-color: #666666;

scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;



%26lt;!-- end code provided by --%26gt;

Parts of the Scroll bar:

The #xxxxx are color code.

you can pick the color by looking at the color code chart.

color code chart.

dental clinic

Xanga help?

can you give me a good web site where i can get the urls for some songs so i can play it on my xanga site?

Xanga help?
tons of other user sites on xanga with tons of stuff for your site (music, backgrounds, ...)

try searching in blogrings for music or something


found one

Xanga users ....?

How do I make it where when somebody wants to view my weblog, they have to log in to see it?

I noticed some sites have this on Xanga. I need to know how to do this.

Xanga users ....?
Sign into your account, on the left side Edit list, should have "protected posting"
Reply::o People still use xangas?


XANGA! Please Help!?

Can someone help me with making a completely NEW xanga layout? I want to pick my own images and such...Anyone have any ideas? Idk how to make one at I need help!

XANGA! Please Help!?
Go to They have some awesome layouts for free. If you register, you can check the forums to see if anyone gives any tips or pointers on how to make a Xanga layout. I'm familiar with myspace layouts, but I'm not sure if Xanga is the same or not. Hope this helps.

Xanga help?

a pop up tells me that internet explorer cannot open the internet site and operation is aborted. it wont let me go to my xanga home, it has been like this for about 2 weeks now i dont know what i am supposed to do.

Xanga help?
instead of using internet explorer, use firefox.

go to and download it. when things wont load up on IE, i can usually get them to work on firefox.

procelain veneers

Xanga saved?

how do you access saved xanga entries?

i hit save, then the entry disappeared and i couldn't find it anywhere.

it wasn't posted, either

Xanga saved?
xanga was probably jacked up for a little while. it was probably deleted, try writing it again

Xanga or myspace?

which do you like better?

i had myspace but deleted it - waaaay to addicting

xanga is pretty cool though

Xanga or myspace?
Xanga....Even though Myspace has more traffic, Xanga's overall layout is cleaner and neater. Besides, Xanga can do everything that Myspace can do and allows for more customization.
Reply:myspace cuz more ppl have it
Reply:I actually have both, xanga and myspace.

Personally, I prefer Xanga as I use it as my main blog. Xanga is a better place for blogging.

As for myspace, I think everyone is just trying to be cool, having all those 'cool' stuffs on the site and those useless comments. (No offense)
Reply:answer is pretty eazy. it starts with an "X", ends with an "A". any clue? lol
Reply:MySpace... I know what you mean, it is soo addicting!
Reply:c. Neither
Reply:How about Yahoo 360º?
Reply:myspace!! on it right
Reply:Neither. They are both a waste of time.
Reply:myspace is much better, open an account and add me mami, u look cute

is the best....

Xanga question...?

how do you delete a xanga profile????

Xanga question...?
Go to your profile and under edit profile it says account info click that then on the left it says

» Basics

» Privacy

» Xanga SafeBrowse

» Editor

» Email Updates

» Site Address

» Premium

xShut Down Account

click shutdown account ^-^


you could just never get on

Xanga and music?

How do you embed a video from youtube on there or put a song on your xanga?

Xanga and music?
copy the music or video code, go to the "look and feel" section on your xanga (on the left), then go waaaay to the botom. There should be a box that says "Website Stats" paste the code in there and save it, the video or song should show up on the bottom of your page.
Reply:I'm not sure if youtube has this option but if it doesn't already automatically play, there might be a section in the HTML that says autostart='false' just change false to true...and to make it repeat just change loop='false' to true ; ) Report It


Xanga help?

i have a picture that is not on the internet but is on my computer and i want it as my xanga background. how would i do this? thx

Xanga help?
First you have to upload it to Xanga. There's a new photo uploader on the site, or you can open a new blog entry and upload the pic to the new entry. Once it's uploaded you can delete or cancel the entry and the pic will stay in your Photo Manager. Then go into your Photo Manager and click on the pic to open it and get the URL. Copy the URL, then go to Look %26amp; Feel and use the Background settings to add your pic.
Reply:Aaron S click right hand mouse button.

1 On menu click on property.

2 when box open click on background.

3 choose your picture or browse for your picture and click and open

4 click on APPLY button

that's it mate your back ground

Xanga music url for crank dat?

i have a xanga site and i need the msuic url for crank dat by soulja boy

Xanga music url for crank dat?
And this pertains to software development how?
Reply:omg tha song is so annoying and dumbb

Xanga Layout Help?

So I have a little bit of a problem. The layout that I want includes two codes. One is a custom headline, and one is an ad remover. I've used both of these, but nothing shows up on my actual page. The header shows up for my personal home page. I haven't checked to see if the ad remover works. But, I really want the background to show up on my public page. You can't see anything from the public page, and all that shows up on my personal home page is the header. Please help! Just let me know if you need more details. If it helps, here is the link. It shows only two codes. But I would like the background (it has a rollercoaster). Sorry I'm being so repetitive, I just don't want to leave anything out.

Thank you so much!

Xanga Layout Help?
try these:

Xanga url hosting?

I have been having alot of trouble finding a hosting site that will give me a url that I can put into my xanga darkplayer and work. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Xanga url hosting?
Email me - I can help you out with getting a GOOD and FAST hosting account - and does support the xanga darkplayer.

family dentists

Xanga banner?

how do i make an image my xanga banner?

Xanga banner?
go to a site that provides a service for making banners!

they will have the image thingy back soon! Also check these sites for help!!!

P.S. check out my sites and comment!!



Xanga music?

anyone with an xanga---

how can i put more than one song on mine? i like it when people have a bunch of different songs you can pick through to hear instead of just that person's favorite song. how can i get that?

Xanga music?
its called a um playlist you can find it on almost any code site on xanga so act like your going to someones stie and type in like "codes_for_you" or just differnt things that have the word "codes" in it and it will bring up somthing with the code for your playlist

Xanga Username?

I can't think of a cute username to use for an Xanga account to make AIM profiles.

Please help!

One I have been thinking of is


I can't think of anymore, so I could really use some suggestions.

Xanga Username?
i like it, but maybe something else. like


or something. good luckk!

Xanga question?

My friend journals at xanga and he claims some of us have invaded his privacy and broke the law by reading some entries. He has an open file and all you have to do is type in the name. Are me and my friends breaking the law or is he just plumb ignorant?

Xanga question?
If he wants a private journal, he needs to change his settings. If he allows his posts as PUBLIC, THEY ARE!! There is no law against surfing the web, and that means ANYTHING not protected by a code or setting. If he wants to keep his friends AND his privacy, he needs to change his settings (or get a paper journal!)

BTW, could he be crying out for help? If he HAS 'left his journal open', he might have accidentally done it on purpose, to see if anyone cares. Just a thought....
Reply:He's that ignorant.

Whatever he typed on the net is for the world to see.

If he doesn't want people to see it - he shouldn't write it..

emergency dentist


please let me know i feel like blogging right now but my xanga is blocked :(

so if anyone knows of any NEW sites let me know

Illegal activities or intentions, can and will be reported to the proper authorities!
Reply:Here is my proxy resource List:


I highly recommend that you and all your friends sign up to the newsletter to get proxies emailed to you weekly

I also highly recommend that everyone bookmarks the following proxy blogs that are updated daily:

Hopefully this will reduce the amount of proxy questions on this site everyday.
Reply:Hey there,its not something that you need updated.All you need is good and fresh proxies that are not yet been blocked by your admins.

Just do one thing,always use new and recent proxies.Thats the best way to sneek beneath your admins wall.Well here are the few proxies that are most recent and fresh.I got it from this group.

They are providing one the most recent and quickest proxies.

Till now, mate you can use these.I just got from them.

Reply:try this one
Reply:Use these super fast proxies to unblock blocked sites, enjoy
Reply:Please visit for more proxy site go to nice list of proxy sites hosted in the USA
Reply:Proxies Keep getting Blocked all the time. You should join a proxy mailing list like the one below to keep getting fresh proxies daily

Here are a few proxies which might help you out

Please tell your friends about these websites and mailing list, and add them to your myspace page or blogs.
Reply:no because no one uses xanga anymore!

Xanga profiles???

what are the best xanga sites to find cute profiles?

Xanga profiles???
search in here:
Reply:Thank you Report It


Xanga User Name Change?

So I've had my xanga for a really, really long time. The only problem is my user name makes me vomit a little bit whenever I see it because I got it so long ago. I got a new user name, but Now I have a problem of the old entries.

Is there a way I can easily move all of my entries easily to my new account? I have 1000+ entries that I don't want to loose, and even if I did want to move them all by hand *shudder* I don't want to loose the dates.

Is there anyway I could do this without having premium? Thanks in advance!

Xanga User Name Change?
i don't think so , the only way i guess is doing it by hand :(

Xanga layouts?

I need a basic xanga layout for an icon site. Nothing flashy, just something that will format my blogs.

Where can I find one? I am new to the site.

Xanga layouts?
Check out the documentation.

Xanga working?

is it working? cause it says "webpage not found" when i go to it, %26amp; ive been trying for hourss.

Xanga working?

Try tomorrow or something.
Reply:Yeah it should be back up by tomorrow. Xanga is just temporarily down for the day, doing some maintenance. Does this once a year.

Xanga premium !?

the answer is probably no , but ..

is there any way i can get xanga premium without paying for it ? some secret way or something haha ?

because i want to use the layouts from this one site , they give you the codes , but it only works with premium .

help me ?

Xanga premium !?
When you first sign up for Xanga, you get a free 30 day trial. After those 30 days, it returns back to basic.
Reply:there really is no way..

bad breath

Xanga Help?

I just started up a xanga site, but I need some help on layouts and stuff... anyone want to tell me what to do?

Xanga Help?
I can help you if you want me too. I have a xanga and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have! Just e-mail me if you want my help.
Reply:I could make you a layout and give you the code to put it up. Here's my email if you have any questions. Report It

Reply:who cares about that? you could be eating cheese right now.

GO CHEESE!!!!!!!

Xanga problems?

ok, im trying to sign up for xanga and the little thing says that the info i give means im not eligible. help?

Xanga problems?
Do you have a different email address like or that you are trying to use? Xanga likes valid email addresses more than the free kind. Maybe the login name you are using is already in use by someone else?

Check your age also. Hoep this helps some.
Reply:xanga....who does tht anymore...

Xanga for myspace lyts?

How fo i use xanga to look up myspace layouts and to get codes to tweek my profile??

Xanga for myspace lyts?
Don't use Xanga for anything!! It is spam/spyware and wreaks havoc on your computer

Xanga helppppp?

how do i put icons on my xanga site?

Xanga helppppp?
upload an icon to

there should be a thing that says html code.

copy that.

add a new post.

click html in the right corner.

paste the html from tinypic in there.

then save and there an icon should be.

repeat to get more icons.


Xanga or myspace?

xanga or myspace?

which is better?

do you have one?

what is it?


Xanga or myspace?
both sites offer the same service. it all depends on what your friends use. I personally prefer myspace at the moment, but I might switch to xanga because the myspace server is getting a little too busy. I have a myspace account, but all of my friends are pornstars and models. It's pretty sweet. Check it out:
Reply:Ture... I did not know what is a xanga too ?????
Reply:seriously, i never heard of xanga...
Reply:myspace but i don't like ether very much.

my websites.

yeah i like goth people if you were wondering.
Reply:Xanga? That is so 4 years ago.

Myspace is neater, if only because its got a broader user base(the site has 80% of the social networking sector, if I recall).

Now for some shameless self-promotion:



4-I dont know(Blogging or whatever)

Reply:Myspace....I have one its very cool ,you should sign up for an account.You can make your own profile and puts lots of things on it. good luck!!

Xanga music?

does anyone know how to get a song to play on a xanga site and a good site to get songs.

Xanga music?
I believe if you make an account on you can load/save music on there. It has a place where for the links to put into different places. There is one for you to put the song on your Xanga account.. But you have to make an account on there to use it that way. It's free, and pretty simple.

I hope that helps!
Reply:u realli have to just search through xanga, but i used to get my xanga music from, just click on the page. but to get it on ur site u just go to the song right click, go to properties, then go to the URL then copy. then go to ur look and feel, go down to music. put the code in, save it. it should work, but itz been a long time since i've done anything on xanga, so i could have some stuff mixed up.good luck

Xanga help?

I have a Xanga and I wanted to learn more HTML stuff. Help!

Xanga help?
May be this can help u

Xanga help?

Ok I am new to this Xanga thing. I need help puting on a skin. After I pick one and click save. It does not work. What do I need to do!?!?!?

Xanga help?
you need to pay for xanga premium for a skin. To get a layout (basically a skin) you can go to , click on xanga, click on the layout you want, and paste the code they gve you in to the look and feel section. (to do this, you need to go to header, change it to "Imput your own header HTML" then paste the code.
Reply:get rid of xanga and go get a my space. my space is way better

local dentist

Xanga Help!?

I need all kinds of help for Xanga! 1st I want to put a video don't know how 2nd I want a skin and don't know how plz help!

Xanga Help!?
You can read about how to upload videos here:

Here is a tutorial site for changing skins on Xanga:

Hope that helps!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Xanga codes?

Anyone know of a site that has good xanga codes specifically the one that makes users sign in before viewing my site.

It would be highly appreciated. :]

Xanga codes?
try they have a ton of codes for everything from Xanga to myspace and blogger. It's a really cool site. you can find different templates and tons of fun codes to add to your page. I hope this helps you! Good Luck!

As for learning html,, is the best place I think. It's really easy to understand. Anyone can learn it by reading the tutorials here. Good Luck to you too!!!!
Reply:I'm so sorry I couldn't help you out anymore. Personally I have no idea where to look for the code you want. But thanks for chossing me for your best answer! Report It

Reply:Yeah I want to learn some html too, my site sux.

Xanga Help!?

I need help with my Xanga layout thing...I have the code for it that I got from someone...but where do I put it?

Xanga Help!?
in da code section duhhh

How do you delete your xanga site?

because i got this myspace site and i am on it all the time and i never have time for xanga and xanga suck compared to myspace but if you have a myspace add me to yours mine is and how do you delete your xanga site???!!

How do you delete your xanga site?
go to account settings under Edit (on your site)and then go down to shut down account.
Reply:To permanently shut down your xanga site, go here:

After you complete the three-step training quiz, you will be prompted to sign in, followed by a final shut down confirmation page. Click "Yes - Shut Down site", and your site will be shut down.


If u are a xanga user plz answer.?

ok..i haven't been on xanga sense july 2006.

1.what has changed?anything new?

2.can i still create a new account with the same e-mail address i use for my original one?

3.are there new layouts and designs for font? it easier to navigate the site and get readers?

5.can i put music,videos and other stuff on it?and how?

when i mean music i mean playing when people visit my profile.

thanks for helping me!!

If u are a xanga user plz answer.?
lol i don't go on it anymore neither ; only to look for quotes. i use myspace. but there is a lot of new stuff. i think its free to be premium now. but i'm not really sure. and no you can't use the same email address. a bunchhh of new layouts i can tell you that much. %26amp; i found it wayyy easier to find what i'm looking for on there. lol %26amp; i'm pretty sure you can do the music i've seen it before . i'm just not sure how to do it lol .

I need help with xanga!?

i just recently got xanga and i still cant find the look and feel button can someone please help me find this.

I need help with xanga!?
after you sign in you're at your "private home main page"

look down the left side column. there will be subscriptions, messages, feed log, etc... under "Your Site" (with blue background) there should be "edit look %26amp; feel"

it's above the "feedback log"

Why does xanga freeze every time i get on it?

everytime i get on xanga it freezes up my whole can i fix this? because i %26lt;3 to get on xanga

Why does xanga freeze every time i get on it?
you could be getting this if you have not got enough ram or your power supply is limited.Try disconnecting a couple of things like printer camera speakers and try again or uninstall a few software programmes that you dont use or if your disk needs defraging then run that and try again.Sounds like you are overloading.
Reply:probably some script in the file that fails to run.

reset your template if that helpps.

Question about Xanga..?

you know how on xanga it has a row of things saying "5 comment 2 eprops" and all of that? well i saw a xanga that had it as "2 kisses 3 hugs" etc. do you know where to get a code for that?

Question about Xanga..?
type in the words that u want over in this web site...

they will then set a code for you

copy and paste it into the "WEBSITE STATS" section under your "Look and Feel" selection


Livejournal or Xanga??

I want to start a new blog, and I only want to chose out of those 2.

I love making layouts, which is why I adore xanga, but many people have recommended LJ to me.

I know both have similar features (xanga now allows annonymous comments too), so I'm not sure what to choose...

Please, help ?

Livejournal or Xanga??
Follow your instinct, I'd say !

I recommend that u use Xanga as u adore Xanga %26amp; use feel at ease with the features .

Good Luck with ur blog !

Can my xanga account be stumbled upon by anyone if i don't tell anyone about it?

If I were to creata a xanga account and not tell anyone about it nor visit anyone's else site with my account would ppl still be able to come across my xanga site? and if so, how? Thanks

Can my xanga account be stumbled upon by anyone if i don't tell anyone about it?
Well possibly, just not that many hits. You'll get heaps more visitors if people knew about your xanga and if you contribute and visit others.

On my xanga i need help read detailes below!?

On my xanga i sign on and this happens on all the xangs i wanna visit...a box pops up and it says click to run an ActiveX control on this page and there isn't a yellow bar at the top to just kicks me off the internet wut can i do?!?! please help me i need it i really want on my xanga!!!! PLUS U GET 2 POINTS!!!

On my xanga i need help read detailes below!?
ask xanga staff what to do. no one knows about their service than they do.

join xanga groups to

Which do u think is safer, myspace or xanga?

i have a xanga site and i think it's a bit safer than myspace because i havent heard ANYTHING on the news which deals with predators on xanga or anything like that but i heard PLENTY of things on the news which deals with predators on myspace.....then again neither is safer because it depends on what info. u give out to other just curious to find out what others think about this ^_^.

mypace is just a lot more popular than xanga because i never even heard of xanga untill i think 2005 but i didnt even know what it was then and i really started going on xanga and using it in mid to late 2006-2007, so i think that ppl just like to go on myspace more......anywyay, i was wondering which was safer.

P.S: what is Myspace anyway????

Which do u think is safer, myspace or xanga?
People just are on MySpace cause all the brute forced TV Ads, Banners, Media Attention.... THere was a time AOL™ was a popular ISP.... It's just a hole in the wall now... well for the majority Americans... Really every place has it's ups/downs... When a site gets Media attention.... That's when it becomes a risk for everyone... Sometimes I think the News are just getting outplayed by "us" the People. We have total control over where we surf online. But I'll have to agree %26amp; go with Xanga. It's such a user friendlt site %26amp; it's quite easy to work with when editing. MySpace looks like a Junkyard version of Las Vegas.
Reply:the only reason Xanga is 'safer' than MySpace is becasue it's not as popular as MySpace, therefore more people access MySpace and more people can get your information.

MySpace is a social networking site where users can create their own profile on the web. It is, for the most part, completely customizable to satisfy the user's needs.
Reply:for me myspace
Reply:I don't think neither one of them is safe but I would say Xanga is much safer than Myspace. Myspace is a place for friends to meet people and everything.
Reply:360 is better then all others
Reply:i think xanga because it's not as popular as myspace, and it's not as open as myspace.


Can my xanga account be stumbled upon by anyone if i don't tell anyone about it?

If I were to creata a xanga account and not tell anyone about it nor visit anyone's else site with my account would ppl still be able to come across my xanga site? and if so, how? Thanks

Can my xanga account be stumbled upon by anyone if i don't tell anyone about it?
unless they search something related to your site if you have posts.

but it also depends if you made it a private xanga and one only to friends.
Reply:Most likely no. It's because xangas aren't really that popular nor it has a search feature that could be used by it's members to find people with similar preferences.

I got a new xanga?

i got a new xanga, and i hate the new 'themes' thing they are using. how can i get the old 'look and feel' thing back, or how can i put a layout code onto my profile? it's really confusing!

I got a new xanga?
Augh, I hate the themes too!

This is the link to the CLAF-

However, for it to work, you'll need to go to the themes editor and make sure your not using a theme. "delete" it and/or uncheck the "Make this your active theme" box.

Also, I'm pretty sure xanga removed the link to the CLAF on the dashboard, so you should make sure you have the CLAF link in your layout, or in your favourites, so you have access to it.
Reply:Try, they have great layout codes for Xanga. As for applying the code itself, I have no idea, sorry!

Can you visit my xanga?

It shows my cool hobbies and things I do... It has things i make and things XD its kawaii theme... if you have a xanga can you comment THANKS~

Can you visit my xanga?
I visited, it's cute! But Im not a member :(