Monday, November 16, 2009

Xanga question?

My friend journals at xanga and he claims some of us have invaded his privacy and broke the law by reading some entries. He has an open file and all you have to do is type in the name. Are me and my friends breaking the law or is he just plumb ignorant?

Xanga question?
If he wants a private journal, he needs to change his settings. If he allows his posts as PUBLIC, THEY ARE!! There is no law against surfing the web, and that means ANYTHING not protected by a code or setting. If he wants to keep his friends AND his privacy, he needs to change his settings (or get a paper journal!)

BTW, could he be crying out for help? If he HAS 'left his journal open', he might have accidentally done it on purpose, to see if anyone cares. Just a thought....
Reply:He's that ignorant.

Whatever he typed on the net is for the world to see.

If he doesn't want people to see it - he shouldn't write it..

emergency dentist

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