Thursday, November 19, 2009

Should I blog at Live Journal, Xanga, or somewhere else? Help!?

I'm looking for a place where I can add background music and stuff. I'm not allowed to have a myspace. So I'm having trouble picking between Live Journal and Xanga. Or you know something that would be better for me, perhaps? idk....please help me out lol. I'm going crazy.........

Should I blog at Live Journal, Xanga, or somewhere else? Help!?
i have a facebook and they let you have music on there but not playing in the backround and you can't make you own backround either.....if i were you i would get a xanga......don't get me wrong facebook is fun but probably not what ur looking for
Reply:live journal is pretty good, but my first recommendation would be facebook. its way more popular and the features are better....good luck bloggin!!!!
Reply:i used hi5 and i like' can post music,photos and others
Reply:I use


easy + straight foward.

Have you thought about facebook?


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